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He was kissing me... Ace was kissing me all around my body, his lips were soft and careful, his hands were trapping me under his body. My head was fuzz way too early for me to be awake, slightly whining i tried to move my face "so my little troublemaker is awake" Ace amused with a smile

I opened my eyes "no, go away"

"You haver to wake up troublemaker" he said weirdly in a good mood "we are spending the day together"

Thank you Ace! I'll loved to spend the day with the man i dream about killing, but again these man seem to be as intelligent as a wall

But i'll be more intelligent, i need to be more if i ever want to scape, Ace and Greyson are powerful man that hold more power that i could ever dream off. There is something man like these to love, they love being in control, they love making you feel little and powerless, they want me submit my body to them. They don't want me to challenge them, they expect me to be a oblivious little shit that pleases them every time they command it, i can't blame them when thats the only thing they had ever known, raised with silver spoon so up their asses they probably never felt hunger before

And i'll shall play their game

I will win their trust making them think i've lost all hope of escaping, that i've accepted my fate and won't longer fight them. I'm fucking from the east Harlem, i went to sleep with the sound of gunshots and screaming, seeing dead people thrown in the streets was an everyday thing. I've lived in a freaking storage unit and slept on freaking snow

I won't them destroy what i have built

I did something i never though myself doing, i kissed him back... i freaking kiss Ace Knox back

He didn't waste a second in returning the kiss, his lips moved against mine his tongue exploring my mouth

I pulled away needing to breath "i-i need to use the bathroom" i stutter out "can you move?" I asked looking around "please?"

He looked satisfied with himself "morning to you too" he moved off me

I stretched remembering to play their game "where are we going?"

"Thats a surprise but wear something warm, it's getting cold" he replied

I nodded making my way to the closet, i got dressed in a pair of mom jeans and a brown coat. I took a big breath and remembered myself why i was doing this before walking out "you look beautiful" he smirk at me with a wolf alike smirk "like always" he added and bent down to kiss my cheek

I fought the urge to flinch away

"Come" he took his huge hand with mine that looked so little against him "you will love the surprise i have" i doubt it but still followed him downstairs "but first you need eat breakfast" in the kitchen it awaits a full tray of what looked like delicious food

My mouth watered at just the sight

I took a seat as Ace sat beside me "you've been losing weight lately Camille, because you haven't been eating properly, but from now on you will okay? I want you to be healthy and starving isn't" he looked at me pointy "you will feel much better, trust me puppy"

It would be suspicious if one day out of the blue i just started to be loving to these two, they might be fill with testosterone but they aren't totally useless and would eventually caught on to my plan and bust me. Little by little i would start accepting their affection "okay" i whispered under my breath

I served myself a cup of pineapple juice and two croissants

I love croissants

I took a few bites and gulped down the juice "where are we going?" I asked trying to get some information

"Didn't you know? It's take your fiancé to work day" he chuckled

There would probably be a lot of people... that woman, the woman that died because of me and how selfish i was. The guilt had come mainly at night, as i laid staring at the void i could sink myself into how much i hated myself for doing that to an innocent soul, how could i be so selfish? I fucking know the brothers were the ones who actually killed her, i know they are the monsters that are trying to me feel guilty so i would brake... and it's fucking working because at this point i don't want to live anymore, i don't want to leave like this, waking up everyday wishing i would have died in my sleep

"Camille?" Ace voice made me come back to earth "puppy are you alright?"

I shook my head "yeah i-i'm fine"

"Alright" he said clearly not believing me "then keep eating we can't be late"

I nodded and took another bite silently


Ace had a tendency of driving way too fast, he was skilled and with fast reflexes but still i was terrified for my life as we zoomed through the highway. Apparently he wanted to take me to where they work, it was some type of office building close to central park

I could never ask for help again, i could't have the life of another innocent on my shoulder... i won't make it

I yawn for the third time today

"Did you sleep good?" He asked as if he was worried

No i'm sorry the guilt was eating me alive so i was busy crying, but of course i didn't reply such thing and instead replied "i got caught up in a really good book, that's all"

"Well today you go to sleep early" he said

I just nodded and instead kept my eyes on the road "i-i wanted to ask you something"

"Ask my love" he encourage

"When we get back i-i was wondering if i could take Hades and Orion for a walk?" I asked with zero hope "around the neighborhood i mean"

He thought about it for a second as i prepared myself to being locked up in the house all day "you can"

I was shocked, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets "really?"

"Of course" he said as if i could always walk out just like that "this your home Camille, i want you to feel free" i snapped my head to his side wondering what free meant in his mind "either me or Greyson will go with you, and as we trust you will start taking a guard for protection"

"Why protection?" I blurred out not being able to stop myself

"We have enemy's puppy, ver bad people who are waiting to hurt you the first change they get" he's knuckles turned white from grabbing the steering wheel so hard "but we won't let, i swear i will kill anyone who dares look at you the wrong way, no one will take our happiness away" he said so determine i was scared he would growl out

I leaned back to the car seat

They are obsess with me

"H-how do you deal with the guilt of killing?" I asked in a low whisper as if i was ashamed of asking, and to be honest i was ashamed

"I don't feel guilt Camille, the ones i've killed have been to protect whats mine" he replied sternly, making it seem that guilt was for the weak

Weak like me

"Oh" was the only thing i was able to make out 

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