November 2nd

137 4 0

I finish applying eyeliner and mascara, and check myself out in the mirror. I look pretty good. The dress I got with Thom looks better on me now that I have makeup and better shoes.

Aria is next to me, silently getting ready. I think that Lauren set her up with an attractive junior that's on the football team. Thom's staying at his house. I think his family is having a movie night or something. But he's not coming to the dance.

I managed to find out who's going with Artie from the rumor mill. Turns out it's one of the girls that are part of Lauren's clique. Her name is Regina. My reaction - wow.

I plop down on my bed and check my phone. It's approximately twenty minutes until Collin is supposed to pick me up. I have time for half an episode of Gossip Girl. Yay.

I start "The Blair Bitch Project" and watch contentedly for about five minutes. Then someone knocks on the door.

I groan. "Aria, will you get that?"

She nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, it's probably Zack!" She jumps up, well, jumps up as much as her tight dress will allow her to, and wobbles to the door. "Hey! ... oh. Hi Collin."

Collin? What?

I pause my show and jump up as well. Sure enough, there's an attractive Irish male at my door. "Collin! You weren't supposed to get here this early!"

"I know, but there's already a massive line to go in the building, so I ran here and here I am." He grins and bows. "M'lady, shall we go?"

I giggle. "Sure. Let me get my shoes on." I slip into some black flats and run to the door, intertwining my hand with his.

It's cold. And slightly dark. We walk to the main building. There is a long line already. Collin was right.

"Do you know who's nominated for Homecoming King and Queen?" Collin asks as we step into the end of the line.

I shake my head. "Seniors, right?"

He shrugs. "Eh. It depends."

We hand in the tickets and walk inside, still gripping hands.

As soon as we set foot into the gym, my eardrums nearly explode. I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift is playing at full volume and it is extremely dim in here. Every student in the school is here.

I first try and spot someone that's vaguely familiar. I do, and I drag Collin with me to see them.

"Hey, Nichole!" says one of my acquaintances Xander Graham. He's got himself two girls dangling from his neck. I don't blame them. Xander's got the whole bad-boy image going for him: tattoos, smoking at age seventeen, partying with the stoner seniors, going back a grade, and yet he is irresistible. He's the one that hooked me up with my sheet music. And he's offering to teach me electric guitar. All for free.

"Hey, have you met Collin?" I yell over the blasting music.

"Yeah, rumor has it you guys are dating!" he yells back.

"They're true!"

After about a minute of this, Collin looks extremely awkward, and I yell to Xander, "Okay! See you tomorrow!"

He nods. I think he had a little bit to drink, thanks to the seniors' smuggled beer, to not remember that tomorrow is Saturday and that we don't really talk outside of school.

Collin pulls me along into the middle of the dance floor. I just start waving my arms around for awhile, trying to find a good beat to Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris.

This is great for what feels like hours. I'm with my boyfriend at a dance and I'm having a good time. No worries at all. I'm releasing my stress into my dancing. The smile doesn't leave my face.

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