November 30th

139 5 0

Every announcement in the history of announcements at school are boring.

Even here, at this crazy school, they are freaking boring.

But today, I lean in my homeroom seat, anticipating Mr. Folger's voice announcing the play roles. Kinda early, since they had auditions only yesterday, but a girl can dream. And that's the usual here. I also might be really delirious, only running on around four hours of sleep.

Yeah, I am super-anxious. What if I didn't get the part? I tried so hard and had an emotional breakdown after that one scene.

The gym coach finally ends her long spiel on trying out for basketball, and there's a rustle on the opposite end of the intercom, before, "This is Mr. Folger with the final results for the upcoming play, The Downward Spiral." He clears his throat and begins. "Artie Smith as Mark."

My head whips to see Artie, who's gaping in total shock. The whole class starts clapping politely. He legitimately blushes and looks down, grinning.

Mr. Folger continues. "Eric Miller as Toby."

I knew that kid would get in.

"Vanessa Marino as Layne, and Nichole Evans as Anna."

My jaw drops and I feel heat rushing to my cheeks as well. The exhaustion in my eyes disappears and I grin happily. Everyone claps for me as well.

My acting wasn't terrible!!

I actually got the part!

I am the ultimate!!

Mr. Folger waits, then says, "Those are the main characters. Others are going to be posted on the board outside of room 243."

The bell rings, and people walk out casually of homeroom. It's funny how the announcements ended right then.

I jump up happily, hug my binder to my chest, and grin widely.

Sophomore year has really changed me. I mean, last year, I was some weird girl who hung out with that popular chick, but this year, I made it into a major school, am competing in a multi-state talent competition, and made it into a play.

Artie crashes into me and hugs me forcefully.

"Artie!" I gasp. "Get off me!"

He releases me. "Sorry. But I'm mega excited right now! Congratulations to you!"

I massage my ribs. "Thanks! Congratulations to you as well!"

The intercom comes on, interrupting whatever Artie was about to say. "Pardon the interruption, but all students who are participating in the West Coast Showcase need to report to the auditorium now. Thanks."

I look at Artie with wide eyes. "Does that mean us?"

He pretends to think it over. "Not positive. Are we participating?"

I roll my eyes. "Come on, meany face." I yawn and pull his arm.

"By the way," I start conversationally. "Would it bother you if I told you I changed my song?"

He stops right there with a shocked face again. "Are you serious?"

I nod.

"No, seriously, are you shitting me?"

I shake my head.

"Nichole! We practiced that song!" he says, agonized.

"You don't have to worry. I stayed up till four creating the song and making sheet music. The sheet music isn't that hard. I also made the track on my computer and saved it in case we screwed up." I pull out a folder from my bag containing the sheet music and hard drive. "This song is a duet so we don't have to do that one other song."

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