Chapter 3

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Before the blue haired boy could respond the bell rang.

"Well now you have to get off of me."

The smaller boy underneath the other said

"Says who?"

The taller boy sat up on top of him.

"Can't we just skip? It's not like missing a few classes is the end of the world"

The leaf head sighed.

"Fine, I suppose we can."

The blue haired boy got off from on top of him and held out his hand

"Great!! Let's go, staying here would be no fun"

"It's about time you got off of me."

The smaller boy scoffed and grabbed the taller's hand, he hit the leaf boy's head

"Oh, shut up, I'm sure you didn't mind it" he said teasingly while he nudged the smaller boy's shoulder

"Shut up, I did mind, you were fucking crushing me."

He covered his mouth.

"Whatever loser, just follow me."

The taller boy dragged him along while he walked down the stairwell.

"Take your hand off of my mouth or I'll fucking spit on it."

the taller boy stared at him for a moment.


Leaf boy's eyes widened.

"excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Respond the blue boy be the leaf head spit on his hand.


"Spit in my mouth next"

The taller boy said in a joking tone while he wiped his hand on the boy's shirt

"and if I do?"

"It'd be pretty fucking kinky."

"yeah no, that's weird."

Blue hair nudged Leaf head's shoulder


"I bet you wouldn't spit in my mouth, that shits weird."

He cupped the smaller boy's face

"Yeah? And I bet I would"

The smaller boy's face went a bit red.

"sure you would."

"open your mouth" the taller boy said in a joking tone

The smaller opened his mouth.

"You better put like some food in my mouth or something."


The taller boy thought for a minute

"Close your eyes"


"Just do it loser"

he covered the smaller boys eyes

"Well you just covered them so now's there's not a point in me closing them."


He grabbed a water bottle out of his bag then poured a bit in the smaller boy's mouth


The smaller boy choked on the water and it dribbled down his face.

"Spit." The taller boy said in a serious tone

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