
27 0 5

tw: transphobia and swearing
I like how transphobes at my school can sit there and talk behind my back about me. So for context I'm in a robotics program at my school and today the who robotics team had to announce their name, how many years they've been in the program, and their grade at the pep assembly. So I was the second one to announce my name and I said "Lee" because that's what people mostly know me by staff wise in general. After the stupid assembly was over we are released to go home and I get on the bus, which I'm on now, and my friend (we'll just call her Jane for privacy reasons) texts me and tells me that people are deadnaming me and talking about me behind my back and being transphobic. Like, "Why is (deadname) Lee now?" and so forth. I'm fucking sick of it. First thing, if these people want to say something they can fucking say it to my face and not be a pussy and talk shit behind my back. Second thing, I'm done. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I can't report because then it'll get back to my parents and I certainly do not want them finding out. Why can't people just fucking respect my existence?!

another thing, I asked all my teachers to call me a he and use a different name for me and only 5/7 teachers do. Yet, one of the two genders Jane correctly and calls her by her actual name.

today at lunch, by time me and Jane got at the front of the line they ran out of one thing so I went and sat down. once I seen that they had more pizza so I could force myself to eat today the lunch lady said, "DiD sHe AlReAdY gEt LuNcH?" and the other one told her no so I got my pizza and my friend (we'll call him Alex, again for privacy) said, "It's actually he, I'd prefer it if you called him he." I was a little taken aback but I was grateful he said something. The lunch lady looked at me weirdly and I looked at her, shrugged, and said, "Yeah." me and Jane hate her. She likes to target people who do nothing wrong lol.

anyways, that was a run down of my day. I have a headache and I feel like utter shit<3 I hope y'all's day/night was better than mine. ily /p.


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