Letter to Stray Kids.

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A message to the boys,

I don't know If you guys will ever see this but, wow, well, first off I just wanted to thank you guys for doing what you do. Seriously, you guys are so talented and so inspiring It's made me pick up my dancing hobby again after kinda abandoning it. I've also adopted rapping because of the rap line. Now for the main part of this letter:

I've struggled with my identity and mental illness for ¾ of my life and I've hopped from one music genre/band to the other and you guys have helped me cope in so many ways I didn't know was possible. Back in October of 2021, I first got into K-pop and I was really hesitant to explore other boy bands besides BTS. As I started to get more comfortable in the community, I searched for bands and I found you guys, and it was one of the smartest decisions of my life. You guys SAVED my life. Every day, after school and dealing with stress and my disorder I look forward to watching a funny video of you guys or listing to some of your guys' songs. It doesn't even matter what content it is, I always end up smiling afterward.

I am in fact a member of the trans man community and listening to you guys rap and sing those really high notes gives me so much euphoria after dealing with unsupportive parents. You guys are my heroes.

Thank you, for making me STAY.

Signed, Jeyden Lee Max. 

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