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Kara's P.O.V

"Kara are you up honey, your going to miss the bus" my mother called from the kitchen. I turn in my queen size bed to look over at the golden trim clock that hangs in the room that could fit about ten kids inside of it.

"Mom it's like 6:00 a.m." I scream hoping she will hear even though she is probably halfway to the dinning room which is like the complete opposite side of the house.
I take a step towards the stairway at the end of the poorly painted, and cracked walls. They creak as I pass by them. The lockers are still as beat up as ever. I keep asking myself why the CEO would choose a place like this to ask for changes. For this school, the change would be to have it actually look like a school or get some funding once in a while.

"Mr. Kole?" I asked in the eighth grade little, honest Kara voice he knew and loved.

" Yes?" he replied chipper and almost obliviously to how awkward this thing was.

"Why would the CEO choose here to visit, especially during the summer since we don't have a working AC?" I asked.

"Maybe he's just trying to spice things up." He replied.Yeah like that makes sense I thought too myself.

"Ummm Mr.Kole? Can I use the restroom?" A kid named Rhin asked. He was an interesting kid, kept to himself and didn't really talk, but I know he has a temper.

One day at the start of the summer program a girl was trying to ask him a question. So she took his headphones, which he is always wearing, off and he went off on her. I had to tell them to be quiet before he threw the girl into the table.

" I just really need to go" he said in a quiet almost bored sounding voice. " it can't wait till after the vote" Mr. Kole asked, they had given us these paper with ideas for a new school

"experience." I didn't come to this school to be denied the privilege of using the toilet" he said in a sassy and up right rude voice. Mr. Kole was taken aback but after looking at his shoes and adjusting his tie he let Rhin go. I had never seen the kid that cranky, I mean after the headphone problem. "No wait, I mean Mr. Kole may I go too it's an emergency" I said after pulling myself back into my innocent voice, and after an agitated sigh he shooed me off too the bathrooms.

"Hey!" I called out to him as he started too turn into the boys bathroom.

"You can't go around yelling at adults like that!" I screamed even though I would have done the same thing any other day. But it didn't matter how much I called, he was still walking straight ahead, not giving me the time of day. I guess he just still had those stupid headphones in. All I wanted too know was why he was so determined to leave the line. Maybe he just doesn't like school performances or things that take up class time. What am I thinking, I thought too myself, no kid likes staying in the classroom during the day.

As I turned the corner to the bathroom door, Rhin was gone. How is that possible, I thought, to be in one place at a single moment. Then gone the next.

Right at that moment there was a click of the intercoms turning on. Followed by a message about how we should all be happy that we get to take part of an event to shape or future students. I didn't really hear it, well pay attention to it, because in all honesty I didn't care. Then I noticed something. There were voices I had never heard before coming from the background of the message.

"You hear it too. Don't you?" A quiet and drowsy voice said. I knew that voice, it was Rhin's. I slowly walked to the bathroom door, standing with my back against the side of it to show that I wasn't looking in, if a boy walked out.

"Yes..." I said trying to make my answer vague, so it doesn't sound like I was talking about the voices in the background. All I wanted too do now was get to the line, finish the stupid paper, and go back to sleep.

" Are you done in there. We should head back too the rest of the class." I said, trying to hurry him up, but he acted like I had said nothing and kept talking about the voices.

"The old mans voice and the ladies voice with the horribly fake British accent." he said.

"Can you just hurry up!" I said feeling like I was going crazy, or was it that I was dreaming.

"Fine but I'm right in front of you" Rhin said in a calm serious tone.

What was he talking about there was only a wall in front of me?

All at once the wall started to twist and contort as a figure stepped out of it. The blob grew two arms and legs. Then the blob took colors, pale white skin, and the dark black hair with purple highlights that were really bright. Standing, staring at me like nothing had happened was Rhin. That same I don't care expression plastered on his face.
I was speechless and confused, and now knew I had definitely jumped off the deep end.

"How, how? Wait what." I managed to muster up.

"Now will you listen!?!"
Ok Bestfriends I did a lot of 'stuff' in this part and I don't really know if it's really good or not so I hope you guys will comment with questions or suggestions
And I actually have a question for you guys that's a little newbish
I'm a little new to wattpad and writing stories on it so if there is a way to put up a picture on a part without pictures from other parts showing up it would be helpful too know
I tried to introduce a character last chapter and I hope he is more elaborated on in this one
There will actually be two new ones in the next chapter that I am hoping I can make important characters but I will cross that bridge when I get to it
Tell me if you guys want to see that or if you want more of the plot to move forward
Or if you want it to slow down
Hope it was somewhat enjoyable
See you next time Bestfriends

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