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Kara's P.o.v
As I leave my room. I look down the long corridor. Taking in the paintings of people I don't know, and the decoratively placed table with a flower vase on it. I take long strides to get to the bathroom. Examining my face, still half asleep, and going through my normal morning activities. "Kara, you mother is getting worried about how long it is taking you. Are you ok?" "Yes, thank you" I said sarcastically too our maid Donna. "If you want I can place a pair of the shorts in your backpack. So you can change into them before your classes start." That was Donna for you, she always made sure I was happy. "That would be great, thank you" I reply happily. After Donna had left from the bathroom door and gone to get the shorts for my backpack I left the bathroom. While walking down the corridor I turn the corner to the stairs. As I walk down the stairs, on the first landing, I see the picture of the young baby boy in a mini sailors outfit. The trail of overturned toy cars in front of him. I don't know why the picture catches my eye but it always does. It's different from the other pictures.
Peter's P.o.v
I don't know if it was the shock that the old man could use some type of magic. Or the fact that now he was significantly young, but I was frozen in my tracks. "And where do you think your going" he said in a evil voice. "The party has just started" he added. I had too think fast and come up with an idea. I knew that he wouldn't believe me if I said I hadn't heard the conversation, but maybe I could act as I didn't understand what it meant. It wouldn't be a big stretch, since I didn't.
"I'm sorry---." I paused not knowing how too address him. "Bishop, bishop Crimor" he said in a manor of not caring. "Bishop" I said continuing, "but I don't understand your forceful intent of me staying. I may have heard your conversation, but I am 100% sure there is no such thing as magic" I said.
The man started stepping closer too me. Soon his head was so close too mine I could smell his horrible breath. It smelled like if he ate a skunk and washed it down with gasoline. "Magic isn't real you say?" Yea, I could tell I said something wrong. "If magic isn't real" he continued "then what is this." He held out his hand to show a necklace of amber stones, like the one on his cane. I looked at him puzzled. Obviously they where stones, I told myself. Before I could say anything the gems caught fire. They burned a crimson red. The necklace started to float up towards the man's face. I hadn't noticed that the man started looking even younger. He looked at me with a gentle face. The fire then jumped forward at me. I tried too spring back, but I couldn't move still.
A voice came out of no were. The voice had something familiar about it. Soon the fire started moving away from me. I finally took time to look at what had happened. In front of me was a floating card, shining in a purple light. I looked over at the door to see who was there. Standing there, looking as bored as ever, was Rhin.
"Well, well, well" the hefty lady said in a laughing tone. "If it isn't the councils little rat. Still playing your little card games?" Now I was totally confused. How did these people know Rhin, and how did Rhin know magic. This was all too much. I couldn't handle all that was happening. "Peter" Rhin said, still in his normal groggy voice. "Yea" I replied. "We're leaving" he said. "Ok but one problem. I don't think these guys are going to let that happen." They had there minds set up that they were not having anyone who saw that they were here leave.
Rhin said. He then threw another card to the floor, right between my legs. He then started running in my direction. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the door. The man pointed his finger at us, and the burning stones started to fly our way. Suddenly the card that was on the floor started to light up. The blinding white light caused me to go blind for a few seconds. All I know that is when I could see again I was in the hallway outside of the multipurpose room. "Rhin what just happened?" But instead of answering the question he shushed me. He pointed to the window on the door if the room. I looked in, but all I could see was Mr.Kole standing I the middle of the room looking up. Once I glanced up, to see what he was looking at, I saw all the students plastered to the ceiling. They all seemed knocked out. Again I was confused on how Mr.Kole also knew magic. Whispering to Rhin, "What are you going too do" I asked. Rhin looked at me thinking. Then a slow smirk went across his face. "You mean what are we going to do."
Hey guys I made another part
despite the fact I have a lot of other work to do
Just cause I'm that nice
I haven't seen any comments on how to improve the story so I can either take that as it doesn't need that much improvement
Or it needs too much to say in a comment
But I'm still looking for them
And for people to read it
If you have a friend that has wattpad
Could you recommend this too them?
But only if you want to
Thanks for reading and I hope to have 2 more parts up this week
Again I have the same questions for you
And if you want to see more characters let me know (there will be another character in the next one)
Hope this brought you some enjoyment
Lots of love and
Bye Bestfriends

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