The Sighting (Chapter 2)

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I knew where I was headed. I was curious at heart, I had to. Well, that's what I told myself at least.

I was going to find this place, even if I had to go to the ends of the earth to find it. I cant deal with not knowing if what I saw was real.

If he was real, then the valley in front of the mountains was too. I knew this much.

I raced along the snow covered roads, trying to find some place that look at least similar to the one in my dream.

As the sun began to fade away, out of sight behind the thick clouds, I grew doubtful.

I had been driving in circles, trying to find the snow covered valley. I swept past a small creek, and noticed a small path that led into the unknown. It was now or never.

I was already desperate enough just to see that place again.

I threw on my jackets and turned off the engine of my car. I slipped out of the door and bolted up the never ending path to nowhere. It was winding and slippery, but I didn't slow down.

As the sun began to set, I noticed the path start to get wider until it opened up. I slowed to a stop, right at the edge of the notorious valley.

It felt like I was dreaming again. But no, I was here and wasn't sleeping. I pinched my arm just to be sure.

I started to make my way towards the middle of the valley. I don't know why, I guess it just felt right.

The melted snow started to sink through my shoes, and get my feet and socks wet. I tried to ignore it as I got closer to my goal.

The bitter cold wind started to speed up, making my eyes sting. My hands were numb with cold, so I quickly shoved them in my pockets.

My hair flew freely in the bitter cold wind. So many thoughts were racing through my head as I neared the middle of the valley.

I stood there, all alone in the now dark valley surrounded by pine trees and mountains. The sound of the racing wind and the crunch of snow was now gone as I stood there motionless.

I could hear the sound of my own breathing, quick and dry from the cold. My eyes quickly darted from left to right, looking for something, anything. Then, they landed at the edge of the valley.

I blinked a few times to try and comprehend what I was seeing.

A figure was standing there unmoving. I squinted to see what they looked like. They had long, straight, white hair with a serious look on their face.

Their piercing amethyst eyes caught me off guard, as a wide grin began to form along their face.

As they began to race towards me, I started to backup. They leaped into the air, and a loud rip sounded throughout the valley. I had closed my eyes and fell over to brace for whatever happened.

I laid there untouched and I heard the hard and continuous beat of something. Quickly looking up I saw a huge set of cream colored wings, so huge they tripled the size of the thing in between them.

They floated there in place, and their human body was now gone. In its place was the body of what looked like a lion and the head of a bird.

All of a sudden, they quickly turned their head towards the side of the valley. I followed their eyes. There, a huge crimson beast crept out of the tree line, eyes locked with the winged one.

I could sense the tension between them. It seemed like they forgot I was even there. I was shaking so hard that I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me get up. I just sat there, watching the two stare each other down.

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