Trust (Chapter 9)

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I woke up the next morning with a mild headache. I must've stayed up for awhile after I saw the picture.

How is that even possible though? I met Cecilian before? I would have remembered it if I did. I also do not remember taking that picture. Why was there a painting of us together?

There were so many questions swirling around my head and my headache wasn't helping. Did I really want to go back to the valley? Why don't I just ignore him like nothing ever happened?

I had made up my mind to keep Cecilians secret, and I wasn't going to desert him like that. I got dressed and ran down the steps. Sliding into the kitchen, I grabbed some Advil and popped it into my mouth to subdue the pain in my head.

I sat a note on the table that read, I won't be going to school today. I'm just not really feeling like it. I hope you'll understand. Love, Gwen.

I quickly raced to the door, grabbing my jacket and shoes. I was out to my car in a matter of seconds, scrambling to start the engine. As soon as it warmed up I was off, flying down the snow covered streets.

I took a short cut that lead to that all-to-familiar dirt road. Cruising down it I came to an abrupt stop when I saw the pathway that lead to the valley.

I jumped out of my car, slamming the door shut. I raced up the path, running as fast as my legs could carry me. As I came to the opening, I slowed down.

As I slowly crept into the edge of the valley, I saw something I would never forget.

Six large wolves, all standing next to each other in a straight line. In the middle was Cecilian, standing there expectantly waiting for me. I inched closer, clearly intimidated by the size of these wolves. He started walking over to me, understanding that I wanted to know what was going on.

He came up to me, and smothered me with a large bear hug. I gladly reciprocated it, not caring what the others thought.

He pulled away, looking into my eyes. " I'm so glad you came." He said simply, smiling back at me.

"Yea, but I definitely didn't expect to see this" I said, pointing at the wolves.

" If you think this is a lot, wait until later. You in for many surprises today." He said, grinning slyly.

He walked us up to the wolf on the end of the left side. It was a gorgeous animal, with white and black splotched around its body in perfect stripes. It somewhat reminded me of a skunk.

"This is Narkissa. She is first of the eight members of the Lupus tribe." He said. She slowly bowed her head, which I found kind of weird considering the power she had over me.

" This right here is Onyx." He said, pointing to a large pure black wolf. He stood tall and proud. His golden eyes shone bright surrounded by the black fur.

"Next is Imperia" Cecilian stated, stretching his arm out to the light grey wolf that was sitting there calmly. We were now back to where I found him standing in the beginning.

"Alright then, here is Draven" I was met with an intimidating pair of golden eyes the stood out against his dark grey fur.

Next was another intimidating wolf, that stood proud in its dark brown fur. "That is Harrison" he said lightheartedly.

"And last but not least we have Greta." I was met with yet another pair of golden eyes and chestnut fur.

"Now I know you may have many questions as to why I'm telling you all this, but it is very important. Now I know that you don't remember it, but you knew these wolves at one point. You knew me before everything happened. We had a life together Gwen. You and me."

I stood there questioning what he just said. If giant wolves are a thing, then maybe what he is saying is true.

"Okay, but how do I remember these wolves when I've never seen them before?" I asked.

"Here, take this." Cecilian said before handing me a gorgeous ring with two small rubies entwined. He pulled out a second one with a different sized band.

"Before you put this on, I want you to know one thing." He said before grabbing my hand.

"Your life is about to change drastically. What your future is going to look like depends on your decision." He said before slipping his ring on.

I stood there in thought for a few moments. After what felt like an eternity of thinking, I took the ring in between my pointer finger and thumb.

Slowly I closed my eyes and slid the ring on my finger awaiting what was to come.

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