I feel like my soul is not sticking to my body anymore ,
I don't know why
Guess she's too tired
Like we all are
Tired of trying to be happy
Tired of trying you best
Of trying to make others happy
But it's never enough for them
They don't seem to care
Only they matter
Only the pain they feel
Only the sadness they feel
Only the things they've done matter
Not ours, theirs
We don't really matter deep down
And if we do
Its not enough to make a difference
Family, aren't we supposed to care for each other
Make sure the other one is happy
Protect one and the other
I guess only in the Disney movies .Oh Disney
the lived a happily ever after
the princes
Aren't they perfect ?
No ,they aren't, unfortunately .I really don't know what's going on with us now
There was never a US to begin with
But now
It's so confusing
And we both run from the subject .I think I'm sick
On my body
Some diseases
I feel awful in every aspect of my life
And I don't even have motivation to try and fix it anymore
Seriously considering pulling a rue Bennet and see if the drugs are really worthy .After every fight they come sit on my bad and tell me calmly again all the things I did wrong
Just to make sure I got it
Never an apology
Why would they?
They do no wrong in their eyes
Only me
Not my brother
Not my sister
Not my aunt
My grandma
No one but me
And hopeless .I am lost on my own life
Should I give up on them and leave?
Are we dating now?
Am I dying?
Should I go to the hospital?
Are we still what we were?
Can I really trust her?
Can I give up?.My birthday it's in two days
Everything seems to going down hill
I hope it gets better
Please .02/08/22
~Numb. Hoping for a better day tomorrow <3=).