Why wait?

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"You're homeeeee!" Hailee squeals as she dances into the hallway to greet you at the front door. You smile half heartedly and begin taking your coat off and hanging it up. "Hi hailee, how are you? I'm great thanks! How are you, y/n?" She mocks with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

"Not the time hailee, just give me a moment okay?" You ask, pushing past her a little as you walk over to the kitchen. A hurt look washes over her face as she watches you open the top cabinet and pull out a bottle of wine. You start pouring it into a wine glass while hailee watches you the whole time, slowly making her way over.

Hailee clears her throat at you and you look at her with just your eyes before lifting your head also, "oh, my bad, do you want some?" You ask, sliding the glass of wine towards her.

"No... I'm good," Hailee replied, a confused look plastered across her face.

You don't reply but, instead, take back the drink and begin to sip on it. Leaning forward on the counter on one hand. Hailee just stands there and watches as you continue to sip on the drink before she sighs and heads to the living room to sit on the couch.

After another 10 minutes, you make your way to the couch, drink still in your hand and attempt to sit next to Hailee.

"Woah, so now you want my attention?" She says, nudging you away gently, making sure she didn't actually hurt you.

"What?" You ask, surprised by her sudden outburst.

"Oh, don't 'what' me, don't stand there and ask what you've done wrong,"

"Hailee? I don't get what you're on about? What have I done?" You ask again, hoping for an answer.

"You walk in the house and give me minimum attention. Then you walk away to the kitchen and give the wine more attention than you've given me. The only thing you've said since you got back was asking me if I wanted to join you on your drinking antics! I'm not like you, y/n! I don't believe that drinking solves all my problems, but clearly you do!" She shouts, standing up as she starts to speak.

"Right well, maybe it's not my fault that the first thing you said to me when I walked in was a sarcastic comment? Maybe if you'd have realised I wasn't okay and asked I would have told you! Maybe you are the problem here!" You shout, watching as her face drops.

"Me? Seriously?! I cannot believe you sometimes! You can never take the blame can you? You can never own up to the fact that you never walk through that door with any sort of happiness to see me or even a small smile and a kiss, it's always about how I fucked up!" She cries as you stand there, arms crossed.

"Wait, hold on," you relax a little as you realise that you've made her feel like complete shit the past few weeks, how you've made it seem like she doesn't make you happy anymore. "Do you... do you think I don't love you anymore?" You manage to stutter out, approaching the brunette that's stood in front of you.

Hailee just stands her, fidgeting with her fingers while you stare at her. You approach her quickly and place your hand on her shoulder, letting your face get extremely close to hers.

"Get away! Don't come near me," she pulls back instantly, making sure she pulls her arm away further. Yet, somehow, you manage to grab her other arm and pull her in close, "y/n, please just... just don't!" She shouts.

"Hailee," you whisper, she looks away, "hey, no look at me," you say, slightly tilting her head to look at you, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I've never been more sorry in my life," you reassure her as a tear falls down her face, "I love you, okay? I love you more than I ever thought I could love another human being again. My heart skips a thousand beats when I see you stood in front of me, whether I show it or not. The thought of coming home and you not being here... it- it's scares me an- and I know I don't show it, I know I don't," you take a deep breath, " but my whole life, my entire future depends on you, I can't do it without you," you say, barely getting the last few words out through the tears threatening to spill.

Hailees face is covered with mascara and tears that you attempt to wipe away every time one falls, "Hailee, please listen to me. Never ever think that I don't love you. Because the day I stop loving you, is the day my whole life will completely fall and shatter into millions of pieces, I love you, Hailee. So much, that the words I'm saying can't quite explain it," you blurt out, you watch as the tears in hailees eyes glisten while she listens to you ever so intently.

"Why?" Is the only word that escapes her lips afterwards.

"Why? What why? What to you mean? Hailee?" You push, getting a little closer to her face, your hand cupping her cheek gently.

"Why wait until my heart is completely torn into pieces, to try and piece it back together again?" She whimpers.

"Honestly? Because I've been too caught up in my own stupid problems to realise that the one person who could actually help me, was at home falling apart. And now I've realised too late and I'm gonna prove how much you mean to me, by putting your heart back together, every single piece," you say back, staring into her hazel eyes.

"I'm sorry," she says, quietly.

"Hey hey, I don't ever want to hear you say that, okay?" Hailee nods her head yes slowly before you tighten your grip on her cheek and pull her into a soft and loving kiss that spoke the words you'd tried to say just minutes ago.

Reluctantly, Hailee pulls away and stares into your eyes.

"I love you, forevermore,"

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now