Be my last dance

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You're sitting on the couch, Hailee is stood in the kitchen. you and hailee have been off doing your own things all day; not paying much attention to one another. Thoughts have been swarming round your head, causing you to zone out a lot and look in a daze.

"Y/n?" Hailee says as she walks over to where you're sat. You look up to see her hair in a messy bun, sleeves rolled up on her oversized green jumper and a pair of sports leggings gripping to her legs. Seeing her cheers you up a little and a smile escapes onto your face . "What's up? You seem off today, baby girl," she whispers as she comes round to stand in front of you.

"I'm okay, just my head... so many thoughts going through it at the minute," you reply in a whisper.

"Well, can I help?" She replies, love present in her hazel eyes. You remain in silence but give her a little shrug. 'This years love' starts to play on the radio and Hailee's face lights up immediately. "God I love this song... dance with me?" She says lovingly.

"I'd be honoured ms Steinfeld," you reply and allow her to pull you off the couch and into her arms. She lifts both your hands and positions then on both her shoulders before putting her hands on either side of your hips. You both begin to sway side to side, your head resting in the crook of her neck.

"Hey, look at me," she whispers after kissing the top of your head. You look up at her and stare into her eyes. "I love you, y/n, so so much," she continues to whisper and you allow a small giggle to escape from your lips.

"I love you too, haiz," you whisper back. Still staring deep into her eyes.

"You're a pretty good dancer, you know?" she laughs and you raise your eyebrows at her.

"Me? Y/N Y/L/N? A good dancer?" You laugh back and she giggles even more. She takes one of your hands off her shoulder and spins you around before pulling you closer to her, still gripping your hand.

"Yes. You. Y/N Y/L/N. Good at dancing," she smiles. Your faces are just inches apart, her arms around your waist, "maybe one day... you'll be Y/N steinfeld, good at dancing," she whispers and you begin to blush tremendously.

"Yeah, steinfeld does sound better than Y/L/N..." you giggle and she tightens her grip around your waste, pulling you into her chest. "You're pretty good at kissing, you know that right?" You say, mirroring her statement from before.

"Let's test that one," she smirks before crashing her lips onto yours. This kiss to soft and loving, surprisingly, no tongue was involved. You melt into the feel of her lips and stand there in the living room kissing her for what feels like forever. Eventually, you pull out and look into her eyes.

"Think you passed the test..." you laugh and she giggles back.

"You did too," she bites her lip and holds your waist tighter. "I can't wait to dance like this with you forever," she whispers after sighing slightly. You look at her, "at our wedding, around the kitchen in the refrigerator light, just dancing... forever," she whispers, she's staring into your eyes and you begin to blush again.

"Will you be my last dance? Even when we're old?" You smirk.

"I'd be honoured to be your last dance... even when we're old," she whispers back before planting kisses all over your face. She pulls away and looks at you, "oh wait, I missed a spot," she says in a baby voice, you laugh but get cut off by her crashing her lips onto yours and holding your waist.

Hailee Steinfeld imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now