Chapter 1

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Kakuchou tried to stop Izana from shooting Mikey, which earned him a bullet wound in the shoulder by Kisaki.

"KAKU-CHAN!!" Takemichi shouted in horror. "God dammit, so fucking annoying." Kisaki muttered, gun held in his hand. "Again and again, my plans are always ruined by Hanagaki. So when I'm unable to use Mikey, I use Izana... But now your in my goddamn way, Kakuchou."

Kakuchou raged towards Kisaki with a cry, causing Kisaki to pull the trigger three times. Time slowed down to Takemichi but it really didn't. Izana was about to save Kakuchou when Takemichi pushed him out of the way, taking the three bullets in him.

"...Takemitchy!!" "Hanagaki!?" Kisaki lowered the gun with shock.

Takemichi kneeled to the ground, his uniform dampening with his blood. He saved Kakuchou. But now he was going to die. But it was worth it to him. Kisaki fell back, not believing he had shot Takemichi. Kakuchou looked up and his eyes widen seeing Takemichi on the ground with three bullet wounds.

"T-Takemichi...? Takemichi!!" Kakuchou crawled him. "...K-Kaku-chan...I saved you." Takemichi smiled. Tears welled up in Kakuchou's eyes. "No no no no no! Why!? Why did you have to do that!?" Kakuchou shouted. Mikey and Hinata rushed to Takemichi's side with worry. "Takemichi-kun!"

"...SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" Inui shouted. Izana just stared at Takemichi. Why did Takemichi save him? He couldn't be saved. Never. "I-Izana was...going to sacrifice himself for K-Kaku-chan so...I had to." Takemichi whispered out, slowly getting up.

Kakuchou turned to Izana. His master was to save him!? But he was just a throwable servant. "'s not true... It's not true, right!?" He wanted answers, yet all he got was a small sad smile. "You're all I could I let you die...?"

"Neh Mikey. Let me tell you something." Mikey listened to Izana's story, shocking everyone how he wasn't even blood-related to the Sano family in the first place. "T-there' way to even save me..." Izana's voice cracked. "You're wrong...Izana. Emma, when she wakes up, we will accept you." Mikey smiled. "After all, your our older brother. Hearing that, Izana started sobbing.

Snow started to fall. "...Members of Tenjiku and Toman, listen up! Our dispute ends here, before the cops and ambulance comes, get out of here! I will be the one that stays!" Mikey yelled. Nobody moved though. "Quit stalling around!!"

"Mikey." Mucho called out with Sanzu supporting him. "You guys get out of here." "We'll be the ones that stay." Takemichi coughed out blood again, laying on his back. "M-Mikey-kun..." Mikey quickly went back to Takemichi, hearing his name. "Yes?"

"Kisaki...don't kill him... I never...want you to kill...ever... I'm sorry...everyone..." Those were Takemichi's last words as his eyes lost their shine and dulled. "Takemichi...? ...Hey! Answer me!" Kakuchou cried out. Hinata covered her mouth as she cried. "Takemichi! HEY! TAKEMICHI!!"

There was no answer. Kakuchou stared at Takemichi and coughed out blood. He was going to die soon. Kakuchou scooted closer to Takemichi and laid on his back, holding Takemichi's cold hand. " won't be lonely... I'll join you soon... I love hero...."

Chifuyu sobbed. "Takemitchy..." First Baji, and now Takemichi. Draken clenched his fist as he trembled. Takemichi saved his life yet he couldn't save his. He felt so disappointed in himself. Mikey wanted to cry too, but he had to stay strong. "I'll never forgive you...Kisaki..." Mikey glared at him.

A motorcycle drove towards Kisaki. "KISAKIII!!!!" Hanma yelled, catching Kisaki with one open arm. "You owe me one now, Kisaki!" Mikey couldn't let them go, not after what Kisaki has done to his Takemichi. "MIKEY! Get on!"

Draken ushered Mikey on his motorcycle. "Got it!"


Takemichi was in the dark. He couldn't say "thank you" to Naoto. He couldn't say "sorry" to his girlfriend, Mikey, Chifuyu. So many other people too. But Kakuchou was saved. That made a bit happy. A bright orb shone and faded the dark void away.

Opening his eyes, Takemichi awoken to sand. Splashes of waves told him that an ocean was right next to him. Wasn't he suppose to be dead? Then is this heaven? Slowly getting up, he dusted off the sand on his white T-shirt.

Why was he still alive after getting shot? "A-a-ah...ah." Takemichi's voice was more higher for some reason. Wait, why were his hands small!? Takemichi ran up to the water and caught a glimpse of his reflection.

...Who was this kid!?




Hope ya enjoyed :D

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