Chapter 2

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In TR and One piece, Ace and Baji died for important plot continuation. For Ace, if we was alive, then Dressrosa arc wouldn't have went as it was and for Baji, Emma, and Shinichiro, they were needed to create dark impulse Mikey. If Emma didn't die, Toman and Tenjiku would've went differently, but still would lead to Toman's victory.

So I kept wondering, how can I save everyone and still have dark Mikey? I came up with leaving Baji in like a short coma and made Mikey's urge to protect his friends and family add with his fear of losing them permanently. Of course, after that, Mikey realizes he has something dark in him and strays from his friends, making Final arc happen.

Therefore, in this fic, everyone but Shinichiro is alive because Takemichi didn't meet him before. But Baji suffered a 3-month coma meanwhile Emma is still in a coma after 2 years.

Takemichi slapped and squished his baby face. This wasn't a dream. The stinging pain told him so.

He really reincarnated into his 8 year old self!!

"What the heck-ack, it's cold!" Takemichi stepped away from the cold water. "I'm at a beach...but where exactly?" He walked through the hot sand, hating how he didn't have sandals. Takemichi got up the stairs and went around the city. 'I'm in the Red Light Destrict!'

He recognizes the red glowing sign, bright red decorations, and the street him and Draken walked by to get to his home. 'That's it! I'll go to Draken's house and try to get answers!' Takemichi cheered, ignoring the glances of passing people.

With no shoes and sandy feet, he looks homeless. People asking where his parents were and giving him enough money to buy some bread made him nervous. 'Wait, what about my parents!? I'm sure their worried sick, but I can't just go up to them and be like "Hey, I'm your son...just aged down a bit for an unknown supernatural reason!".' Yeah, he's not looking to be put in an orphanage.

The familiar pink headboard was a sign he's arrived. The reception lady gave him a weird look as he went for the elevator. 'Please ignore me!!!!' Takemichi internally sobbed, pressing the button with the number "4".

What should he say though, to Draken's foster parents? Should he just tell them he's looking for Draken? Or lie and say he found a wallet with Draken's name? Wait no, the parents might ask to see it. Takemichi didn't get much time to think as the doors opened, showing a man reading a newspaper behind a desk.

The man looked over at him. "Hm? What's a kid like you doing here? I think you pressed the wrong floor." Takemichi just went for it. "Um, I'm looking for Ryuguji Ken. I-is he here at the moment?" The owner's face grimaced. "...No. The brat left this place two years ago. If your his friend, best to not associate yourself with him. He's...part of a dangerous gang now."

Takemichi's eyes widened. "What!?" "Get out. This place ain't for you. Come back when your 18 or something." "...Thank you." Takemichi bowed and went back into the elevator. Why would Draken leave this place!? Wasn't this place his home? Where was he staying? He's still in Toman, right?

He needs answers. And he needs them fast.


Chifuyu kept punching over and over again, aiming for the thug beneath him death. Baji watched as his vice-captain brutally kill someone, itching to pull out his gun and shoot someone already. "Chifuyu, is he dead yet? If not, hurry up!" "Sorry Baji-san, I got carried away." Chifuyu got off the man, wiping the blood off his knuckles with his white uniform.


Mikey gazed at the ceiling, forgetting how much time has passed. "Mikey. Eat before you die of starvation." Draken plopped a packaged taiyaki on his chest, snapping his leader out of his daze. "Thanks, Ken-chin."


Mitsuya was fixing a hole in Hakkai's uniform while the other did push-ups on the ground, waiting for his uniform to be fixed. Smiley sat on the couch with his knees propped up to his chin, his twin brother right next to him. They were watching a cartoon show on the TV but got bored of it and was now just stared at the black screen, bored.


Pah-chin slammed his hand on the table. "You wanna fuck with me, pal!? I'm stupid, so hurry up and sign this contract already!!" His visitor flinched in fear. "B-but, it's still unstable! Continuing to contribute to this property will lead to massive income loss!" Peh-yah snapped and shot the man in the chest. "Shut up! You tryna say Pah-chin's wrong, asshole!?"


Sanzu was sitting in front of Takemichi's grave with Kisaki and Hanma behind him. No words were spoken to each other but Kisaki could feel daggers being glared at him by Sanzu. He left after praying, Hanma following after leaving the bouquet of flowers. "That bitch Kisaki's lucky Takemitchy told us not kill him..." Sanzu muttered, biting his nail.


Inui sat in his and Kokonoi's hideout, eyeing the photo of Takemichi placed in front of his foot. Kokonoi tapped away on a laptop, sitting on chair a few feet from Inui. Multiple numbers and calculations, typed away on docs. Being Kantou Manji gang's secretary was worth the paperwork as long as he got money.


Takemichi wandered around the city, trying to refuse the money being given to him as a donation but couldn't. Now his pockets were stuffed with coins and 100 yen bills. 'I guess being a kid isn't all that bad, but I do feel guilty for having this money.'

His feet ached but what was he suppose to do!? He was antsy for answers, about where Draken was! Lost in his frustrated thoughts, Takemichi bumped into a something, or rather, someone's leg. "S-sorry!" "...Tch. Watch where your going, brat."

Takemichi looked up and almost peed his pants seeing how tall the guy was. He had big muscles and was definitely taller than Taiju! But what was with the tiny bun on his head. There was someone else next to him, not bothering to spare him a glance.

Wait...wasn't that Kakuchou!? "K-Kaku-chan!?"

Kakuchou froze hearing that nickname. Finally looking down, his breath hitched. "...Takemichi...?"


They finally meet againnnnnnnn!!!! \(>O<+)/

Koko would've smacked Takemichi on the head for being ungrateful.

Koko: It's free money!

Takemichi: It feels like blood money, Koko! ToT

Forgot to say, Tenjiku disbanded and Brahman along with Rokuhara Tandai are here! With Izana being in South's gang!



Hope ya enjoyed :D

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