Chapter 14

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Bless Takemichi's trusting heart because despite being kidnapped twice, he still had the heart to help a random girl who needed directions and asked him instead of an adult and totally didn't look familiar AT ALL!!

"Excuse me, little boy, do you know where this cafe is?" Sanzu asked Takemichi, showing an address on a sheet of paper. "Oh, I know where that is! Come with me!" Takemichi nodded his head, holding his hand to lead him to the cafe.

'Still a little naïve baby but that's what I love about you~!! Once we capture and lock you up, I'll show you my lov-' "Pretty lady, are you new to Shibuya?" "A-ah, yes. I'm meeting a friend but my phone died so I couldn't ask him for directions." "Oh."

This was going all according to plan. With no Rokuhara members insight, Sanzu could kidnap the boy away and use the motorcycle parked right in front of the café when they get there.

Perfect! No one was going to ruin this pla- "Oya? Isn't that the kid we met a few days ago~?"

Sanzu turned around and looked at Hanma and Kisaki with wide eyes. "And this lady...doesn't she seem awfully similar to...Haruchiyo Sanzu, the vice-captain of Kanto Manji's fifth division~?" Kisaki grinned, pushing his glasses up.

"Tch." Takemichi processed in the new information before realizing...he was about to be kidnapped again if he didn't let go of this hand. "Fuck." Sanzu wrapped an arm around Takemichi's waist and ran. "Go after him, Hanma." "Aye aye~."

Sanzu was fast, but Hanma was faster with longer legs. Once he reached close enough, he grabbed Sanzu's hair and pulled him back, watching him fall. "OW!" "Gotcha bitch~!" Takemichi fell on his butt, trying to think quickly for his next action.

"And I take this~." And Takemichi was lifted again, this time by Hanma. "H-Hanma!?" "Oh~? How do you know my name?" Kisaki did tell him that he thinks the kid was Takemichi and he now confirmed it true.

"Son of bitch, fuck off shithead!" Sanzu aimed a kick at Hanma's head, which was dodged. "Too slo-" "TOO SLOW FUCKERS!"

Senju did a flying kick to Hanma's head, carefully but quickly grabbing Takemichi before running odd with him. "HE'S MINE, SUCKERS!" Senju outran them, going back to her house. Takemichi recognized Senju back from he was at the mall.

"You're going to be my new little brother~!" "EH!?"


Wakasa carefully placed the finishing cards on top of the card tower, Benkei snapping a photo. "...Should we add another layer?" "Do you want to risk it?" "TAKEOMI, I BROUGHT BACK OUR NEW BABY BROTHER!"

The front door slammed open and Senju waltzed in the house with a scared kid in her arms, earning surprised looks from her executives. "Your name's Takemichi, right? From now on, you're Akashi Takemichi!"

Too stunned to speak, Takemichi tried to get out of her arms but failed. "Senju, what's the ruckus about?" Takeomi walked downstairs, yawning.

"We have a new baby brother~!"



Sanzu kneeled in front of Mikey empty-handed. "...I believe I said to come back with where is he?" "We were almost finished with our plan when Kisaki, Hanma, and Senju interfered. Apologies."

" in the Brahman boss one?" Draken asked. "Yes. My stupid sister."

"Ken-chin...send someone to inform Brahman and Rokuhara Tandai this. The three deities war...will happen next week whether they like it or not."

"Got it."




da big battle happening soon!!! >:D



Hope ya enjoyed :D

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