Chapter 4

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Kokonoi made his way into Mikey's main hideout, whistling. The delinquents around the area didn't stop him, knowing who he was and what consequences they would face if they dared anger him. "Mi~key~."

Mikey was on the couch as always. That was where he stayed for most of the day if he didn't have anything to do. Just laying there and waiting for time to pass. "What?" Draken was sitting on the couch diagonal from his leader, wondering what Kokonoi was doing here.

"I have something you might like~." Kokonoi pulled out a photo. It was a slightly blurry close-up of a kid who looked the same as Takemichi, just younger. But Mikey knew who it was. Those blue eyes. That small mouth. That cloudy-looking hair. And his gut feeling. It was bubbling and telling him, he beloved was back.

Draken's heart squeezed seeing the kid. Guilt, happiness, relief, and a hint of confusion. He and Mikey nearly cried on the spot if it weren't for their pride.

Scrambling off the couch, Mikey snatched the photo out of Kokonoi's hand and examined it up close. Takemitchy. His Takemitchy. Even it wasn't him realistically, he wanted the kid. He hugged the picture with obsession and sincerity, making sure to not add wrinkles to it.

"...Koko. Find this kid. Please, I need him. If Rokuhara Tandai get in way, tell me." Kokonoi stuck out his tongue, already expecting that answer. "Got it~."

Draken took out his phone and went to the email app. 'Everyone's so gonna freak out~.'


Takemichi's poor heart shattered. "W-...what...?" Mikey and the others were now evil!? "You're lying...YOU'RE LYING!!" Takemichi stood up on the couch, glaring at Izana. "Mikey-kun would never ki-..." Mikey did almost kill someone before. Kazutora.

"See, even you know he has the mind to kill." Izana didn't want to see the sad expression on Takemichi's face, but he deserved to know. "...Chifuyu! Mikey-kun may have killed, but Chifuyu couldn't have! Baji, Mitsuya, Draken. They should've been there to stop him!"

Kakuchou's lips trembled. 'I'm sorry, Takemichi. But-' "They're not angels either. Even if they haven't killed, their acting like Tenjiku. Gambling, fraudulation, drugs, all that bad stuff. After you died, Mikey told me to stay away from him. The Kanto Manji gang forming was a surprise to me."

"But why!? E-Emma! What about her!? And Hina! Kisaki!" They couldn't be dead, could they!? " still in a coma." Izana's eyebrows tensed. "Hina, or Tachibana Hinata, is Kanto Manji gang rumored spy. Kisaki, quit the delinquent world, along with Hanma. They're just living as normal students now."

'Hina turned evil too!? No! She-that's just not like her!' "But why!? There was no need-" "The change happened the day after you died. I'm...partially the reason Mikey's turned this way." Izana said, clenching his hands together. "My guess is, since you told us not to kill Kisaki, Mikey still felt regret and guilt overwhelming him. The others, I think they just followed Mikey's footsteps, unsure of what to do."

Takemichi finally sat back down. 'No's my fault...that they turned evil...?' "It's not your fault, Takemichi! Kisaki's the one to blame! He's the main cause for most of the incidents when you met us and earlier." Kakuchou held Takemichi in his arms. "Me and Izana were beaten by South, and instead of running, we decided to join to save Mikey. Would you-..."

Should he do this? What if Takemichi gets hurt? What if he dies again? What if it's too late? "Kaku-chan. Let me join you, please!" Takemichi cried out, teary eyes but oh so filled with endless determination.

"...Tsk. Let him join, Kakuchou." Izana got off the ripped couch. "Y-you sure, Izana?" Just when he was about to leave, Izana said one more thing. "Takemichi. This time...we'll protect you." A sad smile.


Takemichi and Kakuchou were on their way to a mall to buy clothes for Takemichi, since he only had one set of clothes and it was already dirty. Takemichi's little hand was holding onto Kakuchou's big one. Together, they looked either like a father and son, or little brother and big brother.

"I can't remember my size..." Takemichi thought long and hard, trying to remembering what size shirt he wore in 5th of elementary. "We'll go with medium, since your still a growing boy~." Kakuchou chuckled, ruffling Takemichi's fluffy black hair. "Hey!!"

They went for a nearby mall, going to the kid's section. Takemichi sat down on a chair while Kakuchou fixated himself on picking the right outfits. 'Kaku-chan...I really don't need that much!!' Seeing Kakuchou go ham through the racks, Takemichi paled a bit.

"Woah! You're so cute!!"

"Eh?" Takemichi was picked up suddenly and embraced from behind, his face squishing against...something soft... "Neh neh, what's your name!?" It was a girl with light-colored hair and long lashes, She wore a normal high school uniform and that soft thing...were her boobs.

Takemichi's face flared up. His mouth was open but no words flew out. "Hehe~, I wanna just adopt you~!"

"...Kawaragi Senju. Let go of Takemichi-kun before I make you."

A familiar peach haired girl glared at Senju with half-lidded eyes.



MOMMY SENJU-*slapped*

Kakuchou coming back with clothes and seeing the wild cougar fight: Scary... ;-;

A lil picture you can see at your own risk for it was badly drawn by me:


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Hope ya enjoyed :D

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