To the Kalos Region

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Earlier the gang discussed how Cilan was going to help cover plane ticket costs, which using a plane is the fastest route to get to the Kalos region. Ash and Kait were stoked and couldn't sleep the night before departing.

"Hey Ash," Kait starts. "Do you know anything about the Kalos region?"

"Nope! Not at all. I was originally planning on going there after finishing the gyms in Unova." Ash replied.

"So this is going to be new for all of us!" Kait said excitedly right before a tired Cilan gently called out.

"If you don't get any sleep you won't be able to enjoy anything at all tomorrow..."


Ash was about to run out of the plane, but trips and slides down the steps. The gang laughed and continued on and bumped into two people, one was Cynthia.

"Hey Cynthia!" Ash waved.

"Oh hello there Ash! What brings you to the Kalos region?" Cynthia asks.

"Me, Cilan, and Kait have come to help with the problem with Hoopa." Ash explained as he pulled out his magical blue orb. "I believe Arceus sent this to me."

"Wait Ash, you're telling me you've met Cynthia before?! What else haven't you told us!!" Cilan yells out while Kait nods.

Ash ignored them before looking at the other person next to Cynthia. "Hello, my name is Ash! Who are you and what is that Pokémon standing next to you?"

"I'm the professor here in Kalos, professor Sycamore! And this is Froakie, one of the starter Pokémon I give to new trainers before they send out on their journeys.. however.. this one has been through a lot."

"You mean someone abandoned it..?" Kait asked sadly.

"Sadly, yes. And it's had trouble trusting trainers ever since. The other starters I provide are Fennekin and Chespin."

Maybe I can gain Froakie's trust.. Ash thought to himself. It would be sad if he never got a trainer ever again.

"Cynthia! Professor! There's an emergency! There's been another attack by the tower!" Someone said as they came running by, panting for air.

"What?!" Both replied in unison.

"Let's head there right away!" Ash yelled out before getting stopped by Kait and Cynthia

"Ash, Hoopa is really strong." Cynthia explained.

"Ash, you might need some stronger Pokémon on your team. You haven't advanced too far in Unova. Do you have some from previous regions?"

"Yes. I can give Professor Oak from Pallet Town a quick call!"

"Perfect!" Cynthia said. "See you guys there!"

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