Far too early for this shit

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I woke up the next morning and heard the shower running, I rolled over to grab my phone but instead I felt nothing but a bottle of water on my side cabinet. I shot up in bed and scanned the room, i looked down to see i was still in my dress. Thank God, i hadn't slept with anyone at least. A shooting pain went across my forehead and i flopped back down in the bed, holding my hand to it. I didn't here the door open and jumped out of my skin when i heard someone start speaking.

"Good Morning Satan! I brought you a present." Daniel said cheerily, as he pulled open the curtains, almost blinding me in the process.
"Putain de Merde Ricciardo with your happiness, it's far too early for this shit." i said pulling a pillow over my face.
"I thought you were good at managing hangovers?" he said snarkily as he pulled the pillow off my face, causing me to squint. I attempted to grab it back off of him but he pulled it away and handed me a tablet instead.
"You trying to drug me up now, after murdering me with the sun?" i said sitting up and staring him down.
"Its paracetamol. Now take it or leave it."

I let a small, "Thank you." out and took it in an attempt to rid of my headache.

"Why am I in your room?" I moaned as my head began to hurt more, i blocked out the bright sun with my hands so I could see Daniel who was stood, leaning up against the window frame, fiddling with the tag on the cushion.

"Well someone decided their feet hurt and wanted carrying back, but then fell asleep in my arms. I didn't fancy waking you so I just brought you back here."
"Thanks I guess." I sighed, "Can I borrow some clothes, this dress stinks of I don't know what and my bags are already packed in my room."
"Bag's down there." He said motioning to the messy suitcase at the foot of his bed, "help your self to anything in there. I'll go get your bags and give you some privacy."

I smiled and handed over my room key to Daniel and he disappeared out the room, shutting the door behind him. I rolled out of bed and instantly shut the curtains again, darkening the room. Atleast my eyes could have a rest.

I rummaged through Daniel's suitcase and picked out a pair of shorts and a t shirt to wear and disappeared into the bathroom to take a shower. I hung my dress over the bathroom door and slipped into the cold stream of water, shivering slightly when it hit my skin.

I thought over last night, those moments... if you could call them moments. With Daniel. I'm sure I was just drunk and misinterpreting stuff, so I shook it off and thought about what I would do in my week off as I wasn't needed at the factory until Wednesday night, where we would all fly out to Bahrain. I know Tay mentioned going golfing but I know Charles is in the area staying with George, and if tay saw him, she would go crazy on him and I just can't have that.

After I had finished, I shut the shower off and reached for a towel on the side, only to remember I was in Daniel's room and didn't pick one up. I heard the room door click and reckoned it was him coming back so called out.

"Daniel? Can you pass me a towel!" I stood and listened out, soon i heard footsteps towards the bathroom and Daniel appeared, passing me a towel, diverting his eyes and assuring me he wasn't looking, I chuckled in response at the man who had his hand not holding the towel, over his eyes.
"Thanks." I said wrapping it around me and stepping out the shower.
"I've got your bags, was that it from your room?"
"Should be." I said wrapping my hair up into a bun to stop it dropping down my back. I looked at Daniel in the mirror, who still had his hands over his eyes, "You know you can look now, I'm not naked."
"I know, I just don't want to look at you, might damage the eyes." He said chuckling before removing his hand and smiling at me.

I smiled back until I noticed the time on Daniel's watch in the mirror and saw that our flight was in an hour and I was stood here in front of him still in my towel. I wandered out of the bathroom, and walked towards the bed to get changed.

"Daniel our flights in an hour. Can you like, sort this mess out quickly?" I said gesturing towards the chaos of a suitcase on the floor. He looked over confused, even though it was his suitcase and made an 'oh' face when he saw all his clothes strewn on the floor.
"That's a great idea you know." He said and knelt down to start packing.
"Can you do that in a different room so I can get changed?" I asked impatiently.
"Don't worry I am not looking, carry on." He said continuing to stuff his suitcase.
I stared for a few seconds before rolling my eyes and dropping my towel to the floor. I slipped my underwear and bra on before chucking on Daniel's top and shorts I had picked out over the top.

By the time I had got dressed, Daniel had just managed to close his very unorganised case and stood up panting as he faced me, his smile plastered on his face.

"Hard work there Ricciardo?" I joked as he struggled to catch his breath, who knew an activity such as packing a suitcase would be such a strenuous activity for a high performance athlete such as Daniel.
"Easy work. Don't know what you are on about?"

He leant against the case attempting to look casual but it slipped from under his weight and he fell to the floor. I burst out laughing and had to lean against something to steady myself. Not realising it was my own case, I too, made it move from under me and fell to the ground on top of Daniel. The pair of us laughing our heads off and struggling to breathe because of it.

I had kneed Daniel in the stomach as I fell over and it caused his to roll over in pain. I hadn't realised he had rolled over on top of me until I heard him stop laughing.
I opened my eyes, and saw his face inches from mine. I felt his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips and he carefully traced the outline of his lips with his tongue, his eyes still transfixed on my lips.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Daniel snapped back into reality. He rolled off of me and got up, apologising for squishing me and walked over to the door. I stood up and went to go hide in the bathroom but by the time I had made it to the door, a confused and worried Charles stormed in past Daniel.

"Have you seen Y/N anywhere, i went this morning to see her and apologise but she didn't answer her door. I don't know where she... is." He froze as he saw me and his worried face dropped to a more serious angry face as he looked down to see me stood in Daniel's clothes.
"Ne m'Charlie pas. J'ai appelé et envoyé un message mais vous n'avez pas décroché."
"Je me suis juste réveillé et j'ai pris une douche. J'ai du le manquer. Pardon." I said reaching for my phone on the side table and seeing the missed calls and messages from Charles.
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire juste juste réveillé? Êtes-vous resté ici? Et pourquoi es-tu dans ses vêtements?" He said, the tone of his voice sounding more angry.
"Guys..." Daniel piped up.
The worry had completely been washed off his face now and was replaced with something much worse.
"Parce que je me suis saoulé et que Daniel s'occupait de moi. Suggérez-vous que quelque chose d'autre s'est passé?" I said defensively, Charles stood there in silence.
"No. J'ai juste eu peur pendant un moment que tu aies couché avec lui ou quelque chose comme ça, je suis désolé d'avoir douté de toi." He said sighing and I just stood facing him with a suprised look on my face.
"Guys." Daniel piped up again, much louder this time.
"What." We both said turning to face Daniel.
"I know you speak a foreign language, but I can still tell when your talking about me. Now Y/N, if you are done having a domestic, we have a plane to catch." He said looking at his watch and then between Charles and I.
"Ye we do," I said grabbing the last bits and following Charles and Daniel out of the room.

"I'll see you Tuesday darling." Charles said before turning and walking down the hotel corridor, the door clicked shut behind us and we headed in the other direction towards the lobby.

"What was that all about?" Daniel whispered.
"Don't worry about it." I sighed and pressed the button.
"Are you sure? Because you've been pressing that button for a whole now." Daniel said placing a hand on my shoulder and I shivered. The doors quickly opened and I walked in to the elevator and out of Daniel's hold.

I thought back to what Charles had said, did he really think I would just sleep with Daniel like that. I would never.
I then thought to that moment on the floor where it felt like Daniel was seconds away from kissing me before Charles walked in. Maybe he was alright to have doubts, but I would still never allow it.

I glanced over at Daniel who was staring at me in the mirrors on the wall and he turned to meet my gaze, smiling softly. His smile radiated happiness and comfort but his eyes still showed concern. I leant back against the wall and closed my eyes.

Chérie - Daniel Ricciardo Where stories live. Discover now