96. Split

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The journey back to Warrick Palace was strenuous due to the weather and the increasingly frequent pauses allowing Davore to drain the turbulent magical energy from Evianna. Luckily all forces were engaged in the battle for the crown, leaving the small group to go unseen as they approached their destination.

Drawing near, Wen slowed as the tower behind the palace mutated, exposing the weaponised interior to the elements. At that moment, a bright rain formed of magic flew from the oversized artillery, melting into the waters from the sky and dropping onto the soldiers waiting below. Romile glanced at him and then to Evianna, unsure of what their next move should be.

As screams and orders rang out from out of sight the victims, Romile knew that they undeniably consisted of Julian's authoritative baritone calls. A desperate smile curling his lips, Romile faced Wen, "Is that weapon you mentioned when you came to visit us at the camp?"

"Yes, however it is much more complex than I had imagined," Wen admitted.

"I need to destroy it," Romile stated, taking a few steps in its direction, "They won't be able to hold out forever."

Aware the Romile was right; Wen sighed quietly before looking to Davore, "How long will Evianna last without you here to assist in controlling her manic energy?"

"Your Highness..." the Mage began, but Wen interjected with a stern expression causing her to bite her tongue.

"How long?" he repeated.

Davore's eyes fell to Evianna and then across to the magically charged weapon; closing her eyes, she calculated her response. "No more than six or seven minutes, even that might be a generous estimate," she said.

"I see," Wen replied. The odds were not in their favour, but whether they helped or not, the result could be catastrophic for the battle's outcome. "Go with Romile," Wen ordered Davore, who once again tried to object yet had to swallow her words as he continued to speak. "Before you protest, Davore, that is a large building, we don't know what the security is like or what will await Romile inside if he goes alone. It will also take less time and save more lives if you go together. If you don't go, there is a possibility that there will be no remaining force to overthrow the crown."

Resisting the urge to reject his orders, Davore shot a hateful look at Romile before bowing her head and accepting, "Yes, Your Imperial Highness."

Romile examined Wen's face; his green eyes looked mythical as the rain streamed past them, like never-ending tears for those losing their lives as a result of his plan. Glancing to Evianna, whose body they had wrapped in Davore's cloak was shockingly white in the cold, he passed her gently to Wen. As at ease as he could be, Romile nodded to Davore, who sucked as much energy from Evianna as she could before joining Romile at full sprint in the direction of the death-dealing tower.

Finding himself alone, Wen moved to the staircase where the four had separated earlier that day, the marble steps littered with fallen bricks and a faint stream of blood. Cautiously climbing the stairs, relief flowed through his tensed muscles as he found the walkway empty, bar the shouts on the wind. Travelling as stealthily as possible, Wen advanced, forcing his way closer to the battlefield, the weight of Evianna beginning to ache in his shoulder joints. Arriving at the final corner before viewing the courtyard, Wen dropped to a crouch, not far from the body of a knight. Peeking around the corner, he could see his sister enjoying every moment her weapon destroyed a life. Leaning his head back, Wen waited for confirmation that Romile and Davore had accomplished their task and implored Evianna's power not go out of control.


Romile and Davore rushed through drowning grass to the tower. Positioned between old brick buildings which looked oddly out of place in the palace, the old tower was connected to the back of the Addend Wing using an unsuited pergola to travel between the two. It was clear the pergola was installed at the insistence of the princess, who spent a lot of time going back and forth.

Waiting for signs of movement, the two perched behind a low garden wall observing the entranceway. After a minute, having neither heard nor seen a soul, Romile stood in plain sight and charged towards the door, much to Davore's shock. Pulling his sword from its sheath, Romile swung it swiftly, covering its edge in his aura; as Purge met with the brick and wood, they melted upon its touch, as if hell fires had burned them away. As Romile disappeared inside, Davore ran after him, disbelief wracking her mind as she examined the damage he caused up close. The power of a Mage and a Blade Master was incomparable, though it would be difficult to face one, particularly as powerful as Romile, in an all-out fight.

Once inside, the two worked together. Davore focussed on draining the power from the remaining Mages inside, while Romile hacked at unprepared guards and equipment that seemed to hold a purpose in creating the torturous magic rain. As Romile continued to cut away every metal item that came into view, his Purge rushed happily, like a snake, over the piles of bodies and stone, burning away the trail behind them so they could not be followed.

Lost in a cycle of destruction, Romile faintly heard Davore's calls dragging him back to reality. 'The magical energy is igniting," she said, her golden eyes flashing as fire and magic sparked out from the broken machinery scattered around them.

Searching for an exit, Romile noticed a lower wall through a hole in the floorboards. Signalling to the Mage to climb down, Romile jumped onto the lower level first to aid her. Once in position, Romile grinned, "Jump on three!"

"What?" Davore exclaimed, her knees crumbling at the sight of a three-story fall.

As Romile arranged himself, he noticed a hand raise from a half-dead Imperial Mage; a subtle red glow emanated from his hand with the bit of power he had remaining. Fear playing his ribs like a xylophone, Romile howled, "We don't have time, sorry," and he jumped from the tower, pulling Davore out with him.

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