chapter 21

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harryheartscats: Hey baby.

harryheartscats: What's up?

louthedinousaur00: im on a date

harryheartscats: Oh really?

louthedinosaur00: yep

louthedinousaur00: this fuckin nerd won't get off of his phone though

harryheartscats: Ooh, that sucks.

louthedinosaur00: and he won't hold my hand even though i keep waving it in his face

harryheartscats: Maybe it's because he has sweaty hands and doesn't want to get your nice, soft hands all gross.

louthedinosaur00: well he's still rude af

louthedinosaur00: and he asked if they had steak here

louthedinosaur00: and it's a soup place

louthedinosaur00: what a loser

harryheartscats: He sounds awful. :/

louthedinosaur00: well yeah

louthedinosaur00: but he's beautiful

louthedinosaur00: and i love him

louthedinosaur00: so it's okay

louthedinosaur00: but he should really get off of his phone and hold my hand now

harryheartscats: Maybe he's nervous.

louthedinosaur00: well you see this guy has seen me wank and i've seen him wank so there's really nothing to be nervous about

louthedinosaur00: he can't do anything more embarrassing than that voice crack he had when he climaxed

harryheartscats: Oh my god, you heard that?

louthedinosaur00: so did the rest of doncaster. quite impressive. i didn't know your voice could go that high.

harryheartscats: I'm going to die now.

louthedinosaur00: this guy is turning red

louthedinosaur00: how cute

harryheartscats: Maybe you'd be turning red if he knew you talked in your sleep.

louthedinosaur00: no i dONT

harryheartscats: A video I have on my phone says otherwise.


harryheartscats: I'll send it to him. He can show you it.

Harry glanced up. Louis was glaring at him, his face now equally as red as Harry's.

"I swear to God, Harry Styles, if you play that video in public I will personally neuter you," Louis threatened, his face scrunching up.

"That's going to be more negative for you than me," Harry teased, loving the dramatic gasp Louis gave him. "After all, my naked body is quite pleasing. I don't know why you'd want to mangle it.

"You know what? I have your nudes. I will expose you."

Harry laughed. "I have yours, too."

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