chapter six

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louthedinosaur00: i think im going to write a story

harryheartscats: WHAT?

louthedinosaur00: how are you /always/ on when i am

harryheartscats: A STORY?

harryheartscats: WRITE??

harryheartscats: YOU???

louthedinosaur00: not the correct order to put my words in but yes, a story write you.

harryheartscats: Details. Now.

louthedinosaur00: well basically, these two boys are in the same ferris wheel car at a carnival and then the ride shuts down at the top and they bond and chat for the three hours they're stuck there

harryheartscats: That sounds terrifying. That's like my worst nightmare. I don't think I want you to write this story anymore.

louthedinosaur00: hey now

louthedinosaur00: it gets better though!!!! when they get down they exchange numbers and the only time they meet is at the carnival (and in other places once they become lovers but that's too far in the future)

harryheartscats: Ooh. Okay. Any couple in mind or are you going to make them original characters?

louthedinosaur00: idk it's prob gonna be a gallin story

harryheartscats: I LOVE GALLIN!

louthedinosaur00: YOU LOVE GALLIN TOO?

louthedinosaur00: it's official, we're soulmates

louthedinosaur00: why are we not married yet????

harryheartcats I freaking luxury cruise Gavin and Collin so hard.

louthedinosaur00: wow okay you're not even going to aCKNOWLEDGE THAT I SAID WE'RE SOULMATES

harryheartscats: Well duh. I already knew this, silly! :p

louthedinosaur00: im glad my soulmate is hot

louthedinosaur00: wondering if they're cute or not kinda keeps you up at night

harryheartscats: Hey, I maintain a steady body temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. I'm not that hot. ;)

louthedinosaur00: tf

louthedinosaur00: i don't know your crazy american terminology

harryheartscats: Excuse you. I am British as well. I just live in America.

harryheartscats: 37 degrees Celsius.

louthedinosaur00: that's better

louthedinosaur00: well, i guess you're not that hot. time to dump you.

harryheartscats: But but but but but :((

louthedinosaur00: you're not good enough for me

harryheartscats: :(((

louthedinosaur00: i like my men to be at least 40 degrees celsius

harryheartscats: :((((

louthedinosaur00: it's not me, it's you

harryheartscats: :(((((

louthedinosaur00: chill, soulmate. i'm kidding.

louthedinosaur00: jfc why would you send me a snapchat of you pouting? are you tRYING to give me heart palpitations?

louthedinosaur00: i want to snuggle that pout right off of your face

harryheartscats: But I want to snuggle you. :(

louthedinosaur00: oh hell no, you're definitely the little spoon

harryheartscats: I can neither confirm nor deny.

harryheartscats: (I am the little spoon, haha)

louthedinosaur00: that's adorable

louthedinosaur00: so my soulmate ships gallin, is hot outside but not hot enough inside, and will be the little spoon.

harryheartscats: Looks like you have it all figured out. :D

harryheartscats: Apparently, my soulmate really likes my writing, wants guys that are 40 degrees celsius, hates my jokes, and is a cutie that is going to be the big spoon.

louthedinosaur00: sounds about right (;

harryheartscats: LOUIS YOU'RE EYES ARE SO BLUE

louthedinosaur00: *your

louthedinosaur00: AND YOUR EYES ARE SO GREEN

harryheartscats: So pretty I cry.

louthedinosaur00: dont call me pretty

harryheartscats: Pretty, pretty Louis.

harryheartscats: What's your middle name?

louthedinosaur00: william

harryheartscats: Geez, your name is 66% royal.

louthedinosaur00: ikr 

louthedinosaur00: yours?

harryheartscats: Edward. :)

louthedinosaur00: cullen??????

louthedinosaur00: omfg my soulMATE IS A VAMPIRE

harryheartscats: So I'm a vampire and you're royalty.

louthedinosaur00: okay we need to stop this is sounding like a really bad fanfiction

harryheartscats: Snapchat me because I have to get off.

louthedinosaur00: no problem

louthedinosaur00: i just want you to know i rlly like your face

harryheartscats: It's Monday right?

louthedinosaur00: uh duh

harryheartscats: Okay. Bye soulmate! x

louthedinosaur00: bye sunshine (:

harryheartscats tagged you in a message: "I don't normally do this, but I just have to put this out there for my SOULMATE.

@louthedinosaur00 is my #mancrushmonday or #mcm because, well, his face. And his personality. But mostly his face. (jk) xx"

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