chapter four

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harryheartscats: I don't want to bother you right now because I saw your status and I know you're with your family, but I really need someone to talk to right now.

harryheartscats: Oh, crap, you're probably not on. Right. Sorry.

harryheartscats: But when you are on, can you please reply as soon as possible?

harryheartscats: Sure, I'd be glad to talk to someone else, but I really want to talk to you. Funny, isn't it?

harryheartscats: What am I even doing right now?

louthedinosaur00: i sneaked away to the bathroom to go on my phone.

i'm here now. go ahead.

harryheartscats: If you had to sneak away, we can really talk later. I don't want to be a bother.

louthedinosaur00: you're not a bother at all! if you really need to talk, then go ahead.

besides, i've complained to you a few times and i'm sure you were busy then.

harryheartscats: Aaron kissed someone else and I don't know what to do.

louthedinosaur00: dump him. it's that simple.

harryheartscats: Yeah, that's the first thing that crossed my mind, but I just can't. He doesn't even know that I saw him.

louthedinosaur00: why can't you?

harryheartscats: I don't want to lose him.

louthedinosaur00: if he kissed someone else, you've already lost him.

harryheartscats: Wow.

louthedinosaur00: what? it's true.

harryheartscats: I can't lose him. He's the only person I really trust.

louthedinosaur00: ahem

harryheartscats: I trust you! I meant in real life. Too bad I don't know you.

louthedinosaur00: that sucks. we'd be besties if we knew each other.

harryheartscats: Totally.

louthedinosaur00: alright.

well, my only advice is to just get it over with. you don't want to have to be with him and have the knowledge that he cheated on you in the back of your mind. he obviously hurt you and you should never, ever be with someone who has hurt you in such a way.

and if you are trying to tell yourself that he don't do it again, remember that once a cheater, always a cheater.

harryheartscats: You know, you can be pretty smart when you want to.

louthedinosaur00: im practically albert einstein

harryheartscats: True.

I'm going to try to take your advice. That doesn't mean it's easy, but I'm going to.

louthedinosaur00: good boy

harryheartscats: Kinky.

louthedinosaur00: i mean, if you're into it.

harryheartscats: "Daddy"

louthedinosaur00: stop that right now

harryheartscats: But Daddy :(

louthedinosaur00: ew ew ew i am NOT A DADDY

harryheartscats: Suuuuuuuuuure you aren't.

louthedinosaur00: shit my little sister is banging on the door and asking why i'm laughing so hard

i think my time with you is gonna be cut short

harryheartscats: Hey, go be with your family. I'll still be on when you can finally get back.

louthedinosaur00: i'll be looking forward to it :*

harryheartscats: So will I. x

Bye LouLou. ;)



harryheartscats: That's awful.

harryheartscats: I never really thanked you for helping me.

So thank you so so so much. x

louthedinosaur00: you're very very very welcome (:

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