Chapter 5: Liquid Diabetes (P. 2)

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Liquid Diabetes P. 2 (Mateo's POV)

"Go sit at the breakfast bar, I'll bring a plate to you." I instruct Sienna. She makes her way the other side of the counter and takes a seat on one of the cushioned bar stools. I grab two plates from the cabinet next to the fridge and place two slices of pizza on each. I set Sienna’s plate in front of her and stay at the counter directly in front of her, too lazy to move. She lets out a low moan after taking her first bite and it takes every nerve in my body to control the arousal that threatens to spread through my abdomen.

“This is delicious,” she says just before taking another large bite of the food. Pride swells in my chest and I smile a little as I begin to eat my own food.

“I’m glad you like it. I’d be happy to make it for you any time.”

She points a slender finger at me and playfully narrows her brown eyes. “Careful, I might hold you to that promise.”

“Be my guest.” I respond shrugging my shoulder, gazing at her. I don’t know what it is but from the moment I met her there was something that drew me in and I can’t help but want to spend more time with her. If making pizza is what it takes to be around her more frequently then I’d happily turn myself into the Pillsbury doughboy within the beat of a heart.

She catches my gaze and her eyes widen a little. Fear flashes across her face and she splutters out, “This isn’t a date.”

Perdonatemi? Pardon me?” I say surprised, unable to dismiss the wave of disappointment that fills me. I refuse to show it however, not wanting her to feel bad.

“I mean - I just didn’t want you to get the wrong idea from this because I’m enjoying myself and this is fun but it can’t go anywhere else and I didn’t want you to think that I was leading you on or playing you because I would never do that but I can’t really date right now. I mean it isn’t that I don’t want to but-“

Cazzo Sienna, breathe.” I plead placing my on top of hers. “Who said this was a date? I was just… repaying a new friend for a misunderstanding my other friend caused.” I lie. All of it was a lie. I wanted this to be a date but it’s not about what I want right now. She said that she isn’t ready and I have to respect that so for now I’ll be her friend and I’ll make damn sure I’m one of the greatest friends she could imagine having.

“Oh.” She mutters shifting her eyes to the counter where our hands lie. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assum—.“

“Honey I’m home!” Christian greets bursting through the door, waving two full plastic bags in the air, as Lachlan tows in behind him shutting the door. I move my hand from Sienna’s and both of our eyes shoot towards the door. Once Christian spots Sienna he drops the bags to the ground and hurries over to the breakfast bar, scooping her up into a backbreaking hug. Sienna lets out a grunt of surprise and laughs giving him a light hug back.

“Lachlan, it’s my friend Sienna!” Chris exclaims. Lachlan lets out a noncommittal noise and sends a tight smile in their direction. He sets Chris’ discarded bags on the counter before making his way around the counter into the sitting room. Quietly, he sets himself down and begins to respond to messages on his phone, disregarding the rest of us. His usual reserved nature is coming as blessing in this moment.

“Mateo!” Christian cries. “Why didn’t you tell me she would be here? And you made pizza! That’s despicable.” He says faking offense. Letting out a groan I rest my elbows on the counter and bury my face into my hands. He knew she would be here and is such a terrible actor; she couldn’t possibly be falling for this.

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