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"Morning Mike" Shawn said expecting to see jules. "Why hello shawn, please come in" Mike said gesturing him in. "Juliet and Dianne went shopping" Mike explained. "I see" Shawn said. "So Shawn can I ask you a honest question?" Mike said. "Of Course sir" Shawn said immediately. "How do you feel about my daughter?" Mike said. "Well sir I love jules, she keeps me balanced and true. She is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I thank the lord everyday that she happened to be in that diner undercover when she was because if she wasn't I wouldn't be who I am today, I wouldn't have my other half" Shawn finished. "Then which one of you decided it was a good idea to fake date" Mike said calmy. "I...Uh...im....Uh...sorry sir" Shawn said flustered. "Why?" Mike asked. "Because jules cares about her mothers happiness" Shawn said. "That's why Juliet did it, how come you did" Mike said. "Because all those things I said about jules earlier I meant a through this week I never lied once about the way I feel about jules, I want her to be happy and if you and Dianne are happy she's happy aswell" Shawn said. "To be honest shawn I was kind of mad when I over heard you last night thats how I found out me and Juliet were talking and she didn't hang up, but I was kind of mad but then I remembered the fear in your eyes when she fell down those stairs and caught her and held her even though you knew she was alright." Mike said. "Your right sir" Shawn said "and I take full responsibility for all of this please don't blame Juliet for any of this" Shawn said. "I won't and for her mothers sake you to are going to keep this up, and Shawn treat her well" Mike said "I will shawn replied. "We're back" Juliet said as she walked in with her mother. "Hey jules" Shawn said. "Hey babe I didn't know you were here" Juliet said placing her bags on the table and giving shawn a kiss on the cheek. "How was your shopping trip?" Shawn asked. "Great I got a new dress" Juliet said. "Can't wait to see it" Shawn said, he knew a pair of eyes were watching him closely. Mike O'hara's.....

It had been 2 days since Mike and Shawn had talked. Shawn felt weird acting infront of him and Juliet kept asking what the two men had talked about well she was out. Shawn said they had discussed nothing of importance but she didn't believe him. Juliet and Shawn were taking another walk on the beach. "Shawn im starting to feel guilty about lying" Juliet said. "It will be okay" Shawn said tightening the grip on Jules hand. "But we're lying and-" he cut her off "we don't have to be jules" he said, she stopped walking and turned to him. "What?" She said. "We don't need to lie" Shawn repeated. "Are you saying we should come clean" Juliet asked. "Never mind i see you tomorrow, night ba- I mean jules" Shawn said sadly. "Night Shawn" she said confused. She sat down and took her shoes off letting the water hit her toes. The sun was setting and she looked out onto the water. Her eyes started to water then she started to cry. She didn't know why, yes she did it was what shawn said the way he sounded, so sad. This had never noticed this before. She was confused, thinking to hard. She loved Shawn and she knew it. She heard someone walked up behind her, she stood up. It was Shawn. "Jules im sor-" she cut him off and kissed him and he kissed her back,he put his arms around her waist and she put her arms around his neck. "What was that for?" Shawn asked not letting go. "I prefer honesty" she said and he kissed her again. "Do I even need to ask?" Shawn said. "Nope" Juliet said. "Didn't think so" he picked her up bride style. "Now come on girlfriend to my apartment for a movie" he said in a movie narrator voice. She laughed and he walked the street with her in his arms. He carried her to his apartment and up the stairs, he opened the door with his foot. He put her down on the couch and held her safely and wisphered in her ear "honesty is the best policy, I love you" then he woke up.

It was all a dream he remembered it now, he had just talked to Mike and went home before the girls got back. He fell asleep watching tv. He loved Juliet and now he knew he needed to tell her...

And soon....

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