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It was 11am in the morning when jules was finding something to wear. She had finally decided on a pair of blue jeans and a red tank top with a pair of grey flats. She left her hair down on her shoulders and only put on some bronze eye shadow. Shawn was picking everyone up at 12 o'clock. Last night Juliet was talking to her parents about shawn, telling them stories about cases they worked together. Her mother was so happy she even started to cry. Though Juliet hated lying to her parents, she loved that if she had to lie it was with Shawn. Why hadn't see noticed that before. By then it was 11:30, Juliet started to rummage through her purse for her phone. She put it in her back pocket. Dianne and Mike were meeting shawn and the young detective at the mini golf place. Shawn and Juliet had decided to take Shawn's motorcycle. The doorbell rang. Shawn was early, Juliet ran downstairs and opened the door. "Well hello Ms. O'hara what a fine day it is" Shawn said, Juliet laughed. They walked down to the parking lot and Shawn got a extra helmet for Juliet. He put it on her head and clipped the button. He climbed on and Juliet held onto shawn. "Ready?" Shawn asked. "Ready!" Juliet said. Shawn put up his kickstand and drove through traffic. They arrived at the mini golf place, to there surprise they saw Dianne and Mike waiting for them. Shawn let down his kickstand, got off and helped Juliet down. He took off his helmet and then after hers and kissed her forehead. "Hi mom Hi dad" Juliet said waving. "Hi sweetheart" Mike said. They all went to get there clubs and golf balls. They started on the first hole. Juliet was putting first, Shawn did that thing where he put his arms around her and held her hands well she held the club. "Now swing" Shawn said. Juliet swung and the ball went further than expected. "FOUR!!!" Shawn and Juliet yelled in unison. Everyone started to laugh, Juliet walked back to get another ball. When she came back her mom was golfing, Dianne got a hole in one. "Nice mom" Juliet said. Next it was Mike, he got par. Then Shawn who also got a hole in one. As they played through the course, Shawn couldn't keep his eyes of Juliet, she was to beautiful. They were all having a great time, Mike and Dianne proud to see that Juliet had found someone. Now as for the little lie, Juliet had to take some vacation days. She knew her parents would want to see the station and Juliet knew there was no stopping them. She had to make a plan with Shawn. "Juliet I never did ask you, how did you and Shawn get together?" Her mother asked. A tight lipped Juliet stood there trying to think of a time and place. "Well it's quite simple" Shawn began. "I met jules in a diner, and then we were working in the same place. When I asked her she was sitting in the interrogation room filling out some papers. She was saying that she was really stressed and I started to tell her how I would protect her then she asked me why and I said "I love you" Shawn finished. "We think your perfect for our little girl" Dianne said. "Thank you Dianne" Shawn said, if he ever did get the chance with Juliet, he knew her parents approved of him. They finished there game. "Juliet, we're going to go home for a bit" Mike said. "Okay dad" Juliet smiled. Juliet and shawn went for a walk on the beach, they talked and laughed and had there hands laced together. These types of things had become second nature even though Dianne and Mike were no where in sight. "You now sooner or later there going to want to see the station and everyone knows we're not together" Juliet said. "Well maybe we could tell them that department dating is against department policy" shawn suggested. "Yeah and if the chief found out we couldn't work cases together" Juliet said. "Perfect" shawn said. Juliet took off her flats and rolled up her pant legs and moved towards the water. "Water nice" Shawn said laughing. "Yes" Juliet said splashing shawn. "Oh no you didn't" Shawn splashed her back. They got into a water fight splashing each other until they were both soaking wet, juliets mascara was running down her face. Shawn wiped it off with his sleeve. "Were soaked" Juliet said. "Yeah I know" Shawn said. They got on shawn motorcycle and went to Juliet's apartment to see her parents. "Oh hey mom" Juliet said surprised. "Hey sweetheart what happened to you two" her mother asked. "Oh me and shawn went for a walk on the beach and we may have gotten in a water fight" Juliet said laughing. "Baby girl I'm going to go change, want me to bring back some dinner?" Shawn asked. "Sure babe Chinese" juliet said, she knew her parents were going out for dinner. "Okay jules I'll be back in 20 minutes and brushed the corners of her lips. He walked out to his motorcycle and drove to his apartment, he put on a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt. He went to a Chinese restaurant and got Juliet favourite noodles and some rice for himself. He drove back to Juliet's apartment. Well Shawn was doing all of this jules had put on a pair of jeans a grey sweater and had put her hair up in a messy bun, little pieces of hair framing the sides of her face perfectly. Shawn rang the doorbell, Juliet opened the door. "You didn't have to ring" Juliet said. "I'll remember that next time" Shawn said and he meant it. "What did you get me?" Juliet said smiling. "Just your favourite noodles" Shawn said handing her the box. "Thanks shawn" Juliet said. He gave her a wink and one of his signature grins. They sat down on the couch and put on the radio. "Shawn to be honest I didn't think this would work" Juliet said. "It's like going undercover" Shawn said. "I know but I still don't lying to my parents" Juliet said her smile disappeared. They talked on and on about the plans for the next 5 days until her parents left. But what the both of them didn't know is that Juliet called her father earlier and left didn't hang up...

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