Your Pretty Cute

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"O'hara!" Lassiter yelled. "I'm getting the file" juliet yelled back. "Interrogation room A, detective O'hara" the chief said. "Be there in a sec" juliet yelled. She was having a busy day and she wanted shawn there. She was confused at first of why she wanted shawn there but then she realized she needed him. She pulled out her phone and texted shawn, as she handed Lassiter the file with one hand she was texting with the other. "Hard day at work really busy need help need you! Please help!!!" She sent "be there in 5 minutes, don't worry" he replied. She ran to interrogation room A. He was sweating and nervous, she didn't talk. She took out her lipstick and started to right. "You murdered her, yes or no?" The mirror displayed. At that moment shawn walked in. "Answer" Juliet said shawn rubbed her back. "No" the man said. "Answer!" She yelled. "No!" He yelled back, Juliet walked over to him and lifted him up by his collar onto his feet and punched him. "Answer the damn question" she said. "Yes!" He yelled. Shawn walked over to jules and grabbed her hand pulling her away from the man. She started to cry, the man was taken out. "Jules it's okay" shawn said. "I can't take this pressure!" She said. "Shhh I'm here I'm here" shawn said trying to her calm down. "Ok I have to go" Juliet said walking out grabbing a bullet proof vest. She ran out of the police station and to the bank. Swat was already there, it was a hostage situation. Juliet walked up to the bank window and hit it. The glass shattered and she yelled. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND PUT YOUR HAND UP" she walked out with a hand cuffed criminal. "Here" she said and handed him the man. Shawn ran up to her. "Jules you shoulder is bleeding" Shawn said. "Juliet sweetheart" her mother said. "Oh god" she said and ran to a ambulance.

Later that night Juliet was alone in her apartment thinking about shawn and how he immediately came to the police station. She was sitting watching tv in a white cardigan, white pair of panties and a brown cardigans that just fell past the middle of her thighs. She was thinking about the lies she had been telling her parents. She hated lying to them but she wanted them to be happy. Her thoughts were interuppted shawn walking in. "See I remembered" Shawn said. "Right I told you don't have to knock" Juliet said. "What's wrong and how's your shoulder?" Shawn asked wrapping his arms around her. "My shoulders is doing fine and I'm just can't figure out my feeling right now" Juliet explained. "Anything you want to talk about" Shawn asked. "I cant tell you, I really wish I could but I can't" Juliet said. " I understand" Shawn said. "Thanks" Juliet said. "Whenever you want to talk, I'm here" Shawn said. "I can't keep it in anymore!" She said standing up. "What's wrong" Shawn said standing infront of her. "I love someone and they probably don't love me back!" She said. "Who can tell me who if you want" Shawn said. "But I can't you'll hate me!" Juliet said starting to cry, shawn cupped her face. "Whatever happens I will never hate you" he said. "Okay but I still....I...i...." Juliet stuttered. "Jules please, it's okay" Shawn said. "" Juliet said hesitation in her voice. "You don't have to" Shawn said. "You" Juliet got out. "More words" Shawn said. " love you" she said. She started to cry even harder. "I'm sorry I'm sorry" she said. "Jules calm down I need to tell you something" Shawn said. "I love you to, I really love you to" Shawn said. "You you do?" Juliet asked. "Yes jules im in love with you" Shawn said. He kissed her, she kissed him back. "Can we stop lying?" Juliet asked. "Yes, please" she said happily. "Now girlfriend let's make food!" Shawn said like he did in his dreams. Juliet laughed and shawn grabbed her wrist and ran to the kitchen. They started to make Mac and cheese. "Your pretty cute" Shawn said poking her nose.

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