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Dream raised his weapon and walked closer. He placed the tip of it under my chin, and I backed up more. "Wait, Dream, no- I-" he only stepped closer, until I was backed up against the wall.

"I told you not to leave." he stated. I flinched back as the axe was placed on my neck again. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I promise, I didn't. They took me when I was sleeping. I was going to leave, plea-" I was cut off as the axe was taken away. I looked up at Dream again.

"I believe you Tommy." I smiled and walked towards him again, keeping my distance for his comfort. He lead me out of the small room, his axe still hanging by my side, making me realize I didn't have a weapon anymore.

(Hey guys! Author here, I know it's the middle of the chapter but I just want to announce that I have a brave on my wrist rn and it is a lot harder to type so it will take longer to post, I'm so sorry guys!!)

I brushed it off, knowing Dream could bad would protect me. He wouldn't let me die, I had at least figured that out.

We kept walking, surprisingly down the path unlike before as he wanted not to be seen. I saw the familiar silhouette up ahead too.

Despite seeing them, Dream walked confidently with me behind him. I was hiding from the people so I couldn't see them anymore.

I blocked out the quiet talking of them, trying to ignore the people I didn't want to hear. They were so loud though.

"What the fuck? Dream I swear to God!" I saw Dream move to the side, holding Quackity's sword off easily. I backed up again, trying to stay my distance from them.

It didn't quite work.

I was pushed even farther back by Tubbo, who was blocking me from Dream. Let's just say dream didn't like that.

He pushed Quackity to the ground, knocking his sword away, and threatening him with it. He didn't even turn and looked at us.

"Tubbo, give him over." his voice was more raspy, angered, than I thought he was. He wanted this, whatever it really meant.

"Tommy go back to the shed, we'll keep him off" he whispered to me, slightly pushing me back more. I didn't move though.

"Come on, Tommy. " He walked forward, past Quackity. I still didn't move. I didn't know what to do, or maybe I did and my body wouldn't move. I don't know. Then suddenly, I was knocked down, a man over me, and a sword on my neck. 

I was pinned down, now I really couldn't move. Quackity pressed the sword just enough that it hurt. I heard frantic pleading from Tubbo and I could tell Dream had his axe on Quackity's back.  

"You fucking touch me, I kill him." Quackity snarled back, then again pushing the sword. I didn't make a noise, just watching how Tubbo and Dream backed up. I grew a slight smile, knowing they didn't want me to die. 

"Kill me." I whispered. The sword backed away slightly, allowing my hand to get free from his. I pushed his arm in a way which it hit his other, having me get my other hand free. It all happened in seconds, leaving him almost vulnerable. I pushed him back, laying on top of him now. His sword was to his side, not in his hands anymore. I quickly grabbed it, yet he was thinking the same. I still got it first.

The sword met his chest as I stood up. I scraped it, ripping his white shirt and stepped back. I looked up at Dream, trying to walk towards him. he put his head down, turning away from me and walking away. I took it as a sign to follow him. 

I could feel Tubbo staring at me. He was shocked, maybe from Quackity, maybe from me, or maybe even Dream. I didn't quite know. I figured things weren't going his way. Dream seemed angered too though, I figured it was about me so I stayed quiet.

After minutes of silence between us I began to grow almost worried, my hands shaking as I thought about what he could be thinking. What if he was going to hurt me? Was I going to be left alone again? I have no food, what if he starves me?

Just the thought made me want to bluet out apologies, but it would only get worse of I did. Words were caught in my throat, my breath hitched. Shit, he heard.

He turned towards me, still walking. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, I couldn't even see his face. I quickly looked down, not even wanting to know.

He kept looking at me.

My heard raced, I felt so awkward. I couldn't process any words. I focused on the footsteps, the only sound I heard. But they stopped. I took only two steps before looking over, and sure enough I was in line with him.

He stared at me, and out of embarrassment I couldn't look away either. I gulped quietly, closing my mouth so I couldn't speak. Not that I was able to anyway.

"Tommy.." Even by his voice I couldn't tell his mood. It was killing me. I quickly interrupted him, realizing he was going to say something that I probably wouldn't be able to deal with. It was all gibberish.

"I know, I'm sorry I shouldn't of- Please, I-" I ranted, figiting with my hands. I stopped, feeling his hand on my sshoulder. I lost my gaze, looking down at his hand, then travelling to the other. He didn't have his axe out anymore. Finally I looked back up to him. I felt a little more calm, knowing it wasn't immediate access to the weapon.

"Don't.." his voice was raspy, clearly mad now. I flinched back only slightly. "..do that. Don't try to choose them over me."

I tried to make out words, yell him that wasn't what I was trying to do. He just kept talking, his voice having dominace over mine. I shut up.

"There's a reason I stuck with you, and they didn't." He nudged my shoulder forward, letting me go. "Come on, Tommy."

I just nodded, looking towards the ground and started walking with him. The words rang in my head

Don't choose them


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