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"Y-you don't mean.."

"Answer me Tommy."

I took a shaky breath out. My mouth stayed agape. I felt like I couldn't breath, everything was spiraling in my head.

The memories of Wilbur came back, of how when we all saw it blow up, he was standing there, saluting. Proud of the destruction.

He turned to Phil. Muttering some words we could hear through all the gasps and cries. He took out a diamond sword and my heart dropped.

Why was Phil here anyways? He never was, now is he going to die to the hands of my brother? I couldn't answer that.

But instead he handed the sword to Philza.

"You're my son!" He shouted.

I blocked everything else out, only watching the two men. Wilbur grabbed the edge of the sword, holding it up to his chest.

He pointed to all of us watching, I saw the fear in his eyes when he passed over me.

It all went blank from there, but I saw him in Phil's arms, leaning over him. And the blood covered sword emerging from his back.

If I did this.. is that what would happen to me?

I shook out of my thoughts and stood up. I looked Dream in the eyes. He was in the right, I reminded myself.

"I would."

He looked shocked for a moment, before turning it into a huge smile. It felt wrong to say those words. Should I not? I didn't even think I could if I had the chance.

"You know what, Tommy? I think maybe you do deserve to get out of here." I smiled as well. "But we need to see if you can take it."

"Wha-" Before I knew it, I was pushed and forced against the wall. I felt the familiar gloved hand holding my chest. I again rubbed of the pain in an action to look stronger. This was to get out of here, to prove that I was 'worthy'.

I soon realized that I was pinned, so without thinking I tried to get out from his grip. My arm swung and hit his stomach, startling him, making him lose his grip on my shirt, and slightly bend over so he wasn't covering me.

I took a step forward, away from him, then turning to see him. He had already straightened out, but I felt bad for what I did.

I struggled to find words. "I- Dream- no- s-" I was interrupted by him. "That was good." He confirmed. My eyes widened. It was.. good?

Before I could think, he was coming at me again with a punch. I honestly don't know how, but I moved to the side and ducked, instead elbowing him in the side.

This time he fell.

I placed my foot on his chest keeping him down. He smiled and tried to sit up. I pushed him down again. What the hell was I doing? I couldn't stop.

"Don't test me, Tommy. Let me up." He again tried to push up but I stepped down. My body was practically shaking in fear, I didn't want to do this. I was in to deep. Way to far.

He grabbed my ankle, making me flinch at the touch. He spoke with a demanding and anger filled voice, I hated myself right now.

"Let me up Tommy."

I found out I wasn't able to speak, only being able to maybe stutter out a few fragments of words. What the fuck was wrong with me?

So many voices were going through my mind, I dropped my guard only for a second.

He still got me.

I was pulled to the ground next to him, I knew there would be a bruise on my arm from landing. I closed my eyes and sucked up everything that had happened, it was about to get worse.

My body already ached from being thrown around, but I knew it could get so terrible so fast. I almost awaited death.

I felt my wrists being pulled at , they were cupped together and I couldn't remove them. I was pulled up again to jy feet before I saw what was happening.

I couldn't get a good grip on the floor, I was struggling to pull myself back. I didn't want to go towards the lava. Not anymore.

I bent my hand back in a sad effort to try and get my hands loose, yet all it did was push my wrists forward.

"Please..please..Dream!" I cried. I felt tears drawing at my eyes, threatening to come streaming down. I could barely keep them back.

He dragged my all the way until we stood in front of the lava. I kept trying to pull myself back, but it wouldn't work. His tight grip already hurt.

I muttered a few more pleads, only watching my hands.

They got closer..

and closer..

and closer..

until I felt it.

The burning pain took control of my brain. I screamed out to a seemingly non-existent savior.

"! L-let me go! I-" I couldn't form any more words, it hurt too much. The tears streaming down my face hit my arms. I still tried to pull back.

I didn't notice when I drooped to the floor. My eyes stayed shut and I curled up in a small ball, holding myself together.

"Make it stop..make it stop.." I mumbled under my breath.

"Be glad I didn't blind you, Tommy. That is just payment for what you did."

I couldn't process what he said, or anything that was happening at all. My mind couldn't erase the pain still.

"Dream, I heard- oh my God." I looked up at another voice, just waiting to feel any sort of safe. Maybe they could help.

It was Sam.

Why was Sam here? Where was I? I couldn't formulate my memories at the moment. 

"Dream get on the bridge. You're coming over." Sam demanded. I'd never seen him so worried, he was always such a serious person.

"Tommy, get up. Come on." 

I obliged, not wanting to get hurt or make Dream any worse. I could only imagine what would happen when he had weapons.

Sam just stood there, staring wide-eyes at Dream while he walked onto the bridge. He put out a small gesture, telling me to come over. Again, I reluctantly followed, standing by his side.

"What- Dream is he-"

"He's coming with me."

Sam's eyes met mine, and I saw how he actually cared. I'm sure he saw how red my cheeks were stained, or how puffy my eyes must have been. But for a moment I was sure someone was there.

"Does he need..healing? I have some potions in the back and I can-"

"No, he'll be fine." Dream stated without hesitation. Was he lying to Sam? I couldn't tell.

"It was just an accident."

(1147 words let's go!!)

(Dream you manipulative bastard-)

(Remember to eat, drink, etc. Self care everyone!!)

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