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I let Bam settle on me before I closed my eyes. Soon I fell asleep, for the first time it felt like in days. The first real sleep, at least.

I saw up ahead of me two men, one in a suit and the other in a green hoodie. Both of their faces were blurred out, but I could tell who they were and what was happening.

This again.

The same nightmare had haunted me ever since it happened, just the terrible feeling of it did in general.

The day Tubbo exiled me.

I let my hand rest on Tubbo's shoulder. "Please, for us" I whispered. I could see him shaking. I knew exactly what was going to happen, but maybe if I could change it..

"Wait! Can I talk to Tubbo privately?" Dream gave a small nod and Tubbo turned to me. We walked down and far enough away that we thought none of them could hear us.

"Tubbo, I know what you were going to do. I can tell. Just please. Think about this. Your leaving me out of the country I fought and died for, making me stay with Dream. Someone who we, or at least I am currently rivals with. Our friendship, Tubbo."

He just stared guiltily at me. I continued with my ramble. "Think of the discs. They may just seem like stupid items but that what it's been right, us two against Dream for them? That's how this nation got independence anyway. Don't you remember that?"

He glanced away. I smiled, but I didn't know why. "You don't care, do you?"

He suddenly looked up at me again, eyes widened. "Tommy- of course I care! It's just the country-" I interrupted him. "We've already fought for the country, we can do it again." I sighed. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

It wasn't real, anyways.

"Tommy, I can't do this."

"Then exile me! Do it! Show what a great president you ate, when you'll just be down turned to Quackity."

I started to walk away, not even waiting for him to say those dreaded words. I knew the outcome.

He couldn't change.

I walked far into the woods before someone caught up. Wasn't who I expected, though.

"Tommy!" Quackity yelled. "Come back, Dream is still putting up walls." I didn't turn to him.

"I'm not part of that country anymore."

"Tommy, what? We heard what you said, think of the discs!" A maniatic smile drew across my face. I stopped walking, and turned to him.

"Tell Tubbo to give Dream the disc, my word. There mine anyways. Then tell Dream to talk to me. I'll wait here."

He stared blankly at me, not following my requests. "Wha- Tommy?" I nodded, further asking.

He shook his head and turned back, jogging out of the woods. I stood patiently waiting.

It still bothered me when a few minutes had passed and no one came, though.

Soon enough I saw a man walking towards me. Dream. As expected.

He held confidently both of my discs in his hand, showing them off to me. I took a deep breath, seeing them.

"You wanted to speak with me?"

"More or less." I responded, obviously not very interested in what he was saying. I was making a small hole in the ground.

He stayed quiet, letting me do my work. When I looked up, I could see his confused look under the mask.

"You have a flint and steel?"

He was quite shocked at what I was saying, bit indeed he pulled out a flint and steel.

Only two words escaped my mouth. And I felt pride in them.

"Burn them."

Dream stepped back, unsure. "Tommy, these are the real discs."

I sighed, trying to keep my calm."I know." Truly, I believed what I was saying. I needed to get rid of my attachment to them. This was the best way, for now.

Like a test to see if I could do it when Dream visits. I knew I had to, otherwise they could be used against me. Not that it mattered in the hands of Dream.

"I'm not just going to burn them for you, Tommy. That won't stop the problem. You need to be exiled."

"Dream, consider me exiled. I don't want anything to do with them anymore."

"Going crazy already, just like your brother?" He laughed. I swear I never sprinted forward and pushed someone to the ground as fast as I just did. And I've done it so many fucking times.

I wasn't even afraid that he had a weapon. I pinned him down.

"I am not like Wilbur." I spat.

"You sure have his anger issues."

Without hesitation, my hand turned into a first and I rolled a punch to his jaw. His mouth opened and he looked to the side.

I saw his hand reaching down for the axe.

"What are you gonna do, kill me?"

He took out his axe more, he sure was going to.

Then out of nowhere, I was pulled back and off Dream. I stumbled back, before pushing myself up again. I only glanced to the side to see who it was, immediately turning back. Tubbo.

I kneeled to the ground again, picking up the Flint and steal at Dream's feet. I used it to light a small fire next to me with a stick.

Another smile drew across my face, and I could tell his too.

Yet the pain hit me as I saw the flame rude, the small items confined in them. It was all for the greater good of me. I knew that, it just- everything those discs did..they were thrown away to burn.

It seemed to rip open my chest and tear out my heart, right then and there.

I forced back the tears forming in my eyes, keeping disappearure as they disappeared. I couldn't say the same about the boy behind me, though.

I could hear his staggered breaths, I could visualize the tears streaming down his cheeks. He shouldn't care that much. That's all I knew.

A small laugh escaped Dream, I followed with a happy sigh, almost filled with relief they were finally gone.

(1035 words)

(Glad you figured it out, dream Dream. He is going insane, thank you. He learned all this from you. )



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