[ 01 ]

416 5 3

(𝐘/𝐧) 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I woke up by the sound of kids running around and shouted each other name happily.

As I get ready and changed to my daily wear which are a (favorite colour) ruana with white shirt inside. Also a dark brown jeans that are matched with my top wearing.

Not forget to pull my hoodie on, I'll walk of the house and head to the coal factory, where I used to work.

"(Y/n), Good to see you today!" My boss called from quite far. I give a small wave while walking toward him. He said that there's an important things he need to talk about.

"So like I told you, I have a news" He started, make me give a full focus on him.

"As you see Tío Sañez in already old and tired, so he ask for a resigned which I agreed" He added. I hummed in support his decision.

My boss take breath before continued with "So, now you in charge for delivery" make my eyes widen for a second.

For what I know a delivery man need to be at least friendly which I'm actually not. I can say I always nervous around people that I'm not used to communicate with.

"The address already write on the paper bags and it's already tied together based from each order we got. You better do your best" My boss said before clapping his hands together.

"Everybody start working!"


"Okay so let's check" I said in my thought while looking at the bags of coal that were on the floor not so far from the counter.

The first one and only, the plaza. 8 bags tied into 2 rows with a small piece of paper on top of each one.

I lifted the first row, which have four bags and put in on my shoulder, make you not to make it fall.

Each of the bags was around 40cm x 15cm x 8cm, which I have to put the 8cm side on my shoulder with a total 32cm on shoulder. My wrist reach 15cm surpass my shoulder, just to hold the bags tight, make sure that it won't fall from my shoulder.

As I about to reach the second row one of the coworkers help me with it.

"Good luck for you first day, kid" He said before I walk away from the factory, making my way to the plaza.

After a lot of step I reach to my destination which more specifically, the north plaza. Happily my friend greet me.

"Yo, (Y/n)! long time no see. You are delivery woman now? Seem like my dad really want us to get close!" My friend, Ian said happily, make me look at him in annoyed.

"I know it was you.." I said while putting one row of the bags on the table, waiting for him to put in inside of the shop so I could put the other one.

"Yeah yeah, it was me. I just want to be more... Revealing" He said while taking the bags, cutting the rope and arrange it to the free space. His sentence also more like proud as he said the word "revealing".

"You do know I'm not used to..." I said in slow tone, taking a glance at the town people that were doing their business.

"Then get use to is sweetheart. Just be proud and you'll feel better" he said with a smirk, hand on the table with his body in sort of flirting poses.

"You do remembered I'm (your sexuality), right?" I ask, getting worried every her flirt with me.

"Of course I do. That's I feel comfortable to do so, 'cause you never catch feeling" Ian said while arranging the last row of the bags.

"Whatever, now what?" I ask as I didn't know much about what I need to do.

"Now get it I'll get us some drink" He said and I nodded.

Ian open the stall door for me, let me see how many of the coals were inside. From my glance there around one hundred bags. I wonder why did it had to be so many.

I said on the chair near me, waiting for Ian. Once he arrived, he brought a cup of coffee with a (favorite drink). He hand me one of the cup which I gladly accepted.

"So, about your work" Ian started while taking a seat in front of me.

"All you need to do is send the coal to the villager house. Simple doesn't it?" He ask, making me give a one eyebrow look.

"That's all?" I ask, not even sure with his statement.

"Yup!" He said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Okay..." I thought for myself with eyes rolling to the side, looking at the town people.


Not so long after that few town people come to the stall, buying the coals.

"My house it the end of the south street. Can you send it there?" The old women said with a warm smile.

"Not a problem ma'am, It will be there before you ever notice!" Ian said cheerfully make both of them laugh happily.

I was look at the back preparing the order. She's only need to bags so I'll be fine with that.

Two of them continued to talk to each while I walk out from the stall doing my job.  As I'm about to walk out from the plaza, Isabela, one of the Madrigal run happily, growing flower around the town.

As she do so, I could feel the air blowing towards me make my hoodie fall. I yelp and immediately get my hoodie back to where it was, accidentally let the bags fall make me curse under my breath.

Luckily I caught the bag but in the same time still not able to covered my (hair colour) hair. As I Already on my knees I put the bag on the ground and adjust my hoodie in rush, picking the bags up and walking in fast from the embarrassing situation.

"Hey wait up!" I hear a angelic voice said but I don't turn my sight, for sure she's not talking to me.

"Hey! (Favorite colour) ruana guy!"

I look back slowly thinking that it was me as she mentioned my ruana. But once I looked back the perfecto Isabela already facing me, not even a meter far from me.

"I saw you were on you knee earlier, you okay, did you fall?" She started but I was too stun by her beauty, as this is my first time looking at my crus- I mean Isabela in clear sight, letting me see every detail of her face.

God she's so beautiful, her skin really fit with her eyes. The flower on her soft hair was matched with her dress. Her dress have many flower on it as decoration. Could say I fall in love.

"Hello?" She said making me back to reality. I shake my head and apologised, telling that I'm fine.

"And also, I'm a girl by the way" I said before leaving her behind.

"Sorry-" That all I heard before the head of the town, Señora Madrigal called her.

Whatever happened I'm better be focus on my work, so I don't dare to talk a lot. For sure she don't even want to, I mean why would she? I'm just an ugly girl in man cloth.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 『Isabela M. x Female』Where stories live. Discover now