1) Little Blue Moon

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A strange night came when the sky is painted in a deep shade of black ink, the stars align beautifully in a peculiar way nobody has ever seen before. It was said to be that on nights of the blue moon, the magical forest is revealed to the eyes of the humans.

After hearing about such rumors and stories, many believe that if one is ever to cross paths with a spirit or some sort of powerful guardian of the forest, or creature of the fae, they may bestow bad luck upon whoever had seen them.

A great force will come for them and they will meet a bad end. However, those were just mere rumors, right?

A moon child lay away outside in her yard, alone.

The blue moon beams through the tree branches where a young, fourteen-year-old, Y/N lays. Her eyes scan the stars in amazement as each of them aligns perfectly, almost like a sign. The light of the moon kisses her eyes open and when she turn to look away, she hears a soft whimper. Like an animal or some sort of injured.

Startled and scared by the sound she begin to look around her surroundings. Her small figure backs away in fear of what animal can it be that was hiding in her back yard but that is until her eyes take notice of the tiny tail peeking out from the small bush she planted with her mother last summer.

Curious about whatever that thing was she reaches out to grab the small pot it was hiding behind. The bush rustle beside her and she backs away. The soft whimpers continue and carefully the thing she was curious about sticks it's head out. Her eyes widen in awe at the sight of the little frightened animal.

Startled and scared to see her in front of it, the little pup back away, the same as Y/N. Both of them remain in eye contact until suddenly it leaps over to her when it heard loud voices and heavy footsteps running around the neighborhood.

Little Y/N cradles the little pup in her arms protectively before hurrying back inside her house where her mother will soon finish preparing dinner.

"Y/N, dinner's ready. Come wash your hands," Y/N quickly stuff the little pup underneath her shirt and nodded, quickly she excuse herself to her bedroom. Confused by her strange lack of words in response her mother shook it off.

After all her child is always a little silly and weird, to begin with, as she was always in her tiny world of fantasy.

Carefully Y/N take out the puppy from her shirt and place it on a soft old blanket she had when she was a baby. The pup sniffs the fabric and quickly tries to familiarize it. Y/N furrow her brows, "You don't seem that sick to me and you also don't look frail and hungry either," She said to the little pup, unknown to her it was no ordinary puppy that she had found but a creature of the forest she was told of.

"I know, how about I bring you back something to drink and maybe some chicken? Mom always makes the best food," She whispers excitingly, the pup can only respond with a head tilt. Y/N smiles at the soft creature as its blue eyes glow in a way she had never seen before on any animal.

"I'll be right back. Please hide under my bed if somebody comes in, okay?" Then the young girl steps outside of her bedroom, closing the door after her. Her mother's voice echos down the hallway as she steps out to the kitchen.

"Thank you for the food mom!" She yells and her mother only replies with a simple "You're welcome my dear!"

Eating her food in silence Y/N hears the door open, her father came home but something was strange about him? He seems to be quite frantic.

Almost like he was nervous and exhausted.

"Good evening, father," Y/N said, slowly eating her food. Her father kisses her forehead and takes a seat after washing his hands. "How was work?" She continues to ask. He chuckles.

"Tough, my child." He spoke, "We have a blue moon tonight but it seems there has been a little rumor about a missing animal like it escaped or something from the forest so everybody in town is searching for it to prevent bad luck from occurring in our little town." He explains to her, Y/N can only nod. She didn't quite understand what he had meant specifically but something in the back of her head tells her to not mention the puppy she found.

Her mother enters the kitchen with a wide smile. Kissing her husband's cheeks in greetings, "Well I supposed the townfolks must be freaking out, am I right?" She said and he hum in response.

Y/N glances back and forth in silence as her parents speak about their days. Looking back down to her plate Y/N begin to think of a way to sneak in her leftover meat and a bowl of water into her bedroom without being seen.

"I'll wash the dishes tonight so I'll be eating in my room," Quickly she fled with the plate of food and the bowl of water she have by her side. Her parents turn to speak but she had already rushed upstairs with her short legs.

Pushing her bedroom door open she glances around frantically for the little animal she had decided to shelter for temporarily.

"Little Blue Moon?" She said, not knowing what its name was she supposed she should give it a nickname for now.

Whether it becomes her pet or not depends on if the animal was hurt or not, after all, wild animals are never appropriate to keep especially those from the magical forest. They were considered to be dangerous evil beings that seeks humans for life forces.

But those were only in storybooks, right?

Tiny shuffling noises can be heard from underneath her bed, and Y/N carefully bend down to check for the monster but instead, she found the pup. His blue eyes glow in the darkness underneath her bed and she giggles.

"Oh my, what beautiful eyes you have, Little Blue Moon," Y/N said, ushering it to come out and eat its food. Y/N places the plate in front of it the moment it steps out cautiously toward her.

His attention quickly went to the food and he ate in a hurry. Y/N smiles and carefully she gets up slowly, not to startle it, she steps over to her wardrobe and takes out a couple of old baby blankets and a small baby pillow. 

The young teenager turns around and whispers, "I'll place these on the other side of my bed so you can sleep with me there, okay? I'm sure the ground isn't too pleasant and not only that the cold floor is never nice to newcomers," The puppy finishes its food and looks up at her with a blank stare.

Not sure whether she is allowed to, Y/N hesitantly reach out her hand slowly but unlike what she expected, the pup steps forward to her and licks her hand. His soft fur was almost too tempting not to touch.

"Can I touch you?" She asks and it only responds with a small yawn, then it lays down.

Y/N slightly touch its fur carefully and when she knew that it was okay with her touch, she pets it.

"I'll call you little Blue Moon, how about it? Do you like it?" Y/N smiles, letting her hands run through its soft fur coat the pup only softly nudge its nose against the back of her hand. She chuckles, "I supposed you like it too."

The strange pup didn't seem too scared nor did it seems sick however a few months later it went missing. Thinking that maybe it was time for it to leave its temporary shelter, Y/N didn't want to let every little memory go. Only to discover years later that it was her parents who have sent Blue Moon away for they heard a strange power has locked its gaze upon their beloved daughter. Not understanding what strange force it was they've come to discover that their daughter had been keeping a creature of the magical forest inside their home for almost a year. 

The only way to escape its grasp was to send the creature back to where it came from and leave the place where the contract was made. Their home was no longer a safe place but a bad omen filled with bad luck. That was why her parents had them move out of the small town. The town had already freaked out to hear that Y/N was the source of the cause therefore they must flee to avoid any more trouble.

That was a little memory she remembers of the night of her first blue moon experience.


Here is a quick chapter to flow through a bit of the beginning.

I'm on a writing spree with this book so I'll probably update this like once or twice a week. 

I hope you guys enjoy this!

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