9) Right Here

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"You want to take me where?" Y/N's eyes widen. Eric's blue eyes look up to her, where he lays his head in her lap and smiles. His cheeks tint red while her fluffy grey ears ruffle slightly against her arms.

"I said I want to take you to the Magical Forest...with me," The young Wolf boy asks again and this time he sits up to lean his head on her shoulder. His tail wag slowly behind him, indicating that he was relaxed and calm. 

Taking in a deep breath of the sweet blossom perfume she wore, Eric lifts his gaze to look at Y/N's face one more time, in hopes to hear her agree, "Are you okay with that?"

Y/N let her hand fall to her side, the moonstone bracelet clink softly in the bedroom they shared. Since the night of Eric's first heat, the two have been sharing the same room together. They came to an agreement that since they're to one another they might as well share the same space. 

Y/N agreed to it and Eric immediately moves into her bedroom with her. Invading her personal space every chance he can get. His tail would wag at a fast speed and his ear would pick up every little movement of hers every morning and every night. 

Unknown to Y/N, Eric is watchful of her. Afraid she would leave him behind again. 

"If your forest people are fine with me visiting, then I guess we can go," Y/N said, tucking behind a piece of her hair behind her ear nervously. Eric grabs her hand with his and squeezes it. 

Y/N revert her gaze to him. Eric softly places a kiss on the back of her hand and nods his head. 

"If you don't feel comfortable, we can always come back here," He assures her once more and the girl nodded in return with a smile. 

That night, the two young lovers take off to the Magical Forest without being seen. With Eric running in his Wolf form, Y/N on his back, the two escape the small town of humans as their next adventure awaits for them in the Magical Forest filled with hidden beauty.


As the two enter the barrier, Eric quickly shifts back, before Y/N could fall back and hit the ground, Eric had already caught her with his strong arms. "Hang on tight," He chuckles, a sweet melody escaping his lip as he lifts Y/N closer to him. 

Eric's blue eyes darken as he looks around the Forest, serenading a pitchy melody as the two take careful steps into the magical land. His ear perks up as he tries to listen to his surroundings. His grip on Y/N's figure tightens protectively as he ignores the light whispers coming from the bushes and above the trees. 

Little light faeries jump around them, dancing from tree to tree in curiosity, their figure glows like a small light orb if Y/N look from afar. Tiny silver light follows them from behind and Y/N watches in awe at the sight of the beautiful creatures. Their eyes sparkle when they made eye contact with Y/N's brown orbs. Like Eric's sapphire orbs, they also have colorful glowing eyes too. 

"Don't look at the faeries for too long," said the strong Wolf Boy, "They know you're a human so don't look at their eyes for too long, or else they might consume your life energy without you knowing." 

Y/N blink in surprise. She had only heard of fairies and pixies in little kid's books but she never believed that a Fae can consume your life force for their own. Eric sheepishly smiles down at the girl in his arms, "But don't worry, they won't hurt you as long as I clarify to them that you are my special guest." 

Making their way silently, through the dark forest with dancing stars, Eric's walking comes to a halt as he listens closely to their surroundings. His quiet demeanor draws Y/N's attention. 

Eric was never once serious in front of her but it seems the place they were in requires serious focus. Then Y/N hears something. A few fast rustling noises were making their way towards them. Eric turns around carefully to inspect their route. 

The heartbeat of the girl, in Eric's arms, begins to beat rapidly. She isn't sure what is going on now that they were both standing in complete silence in a place she is not familiar with. 

A low growl can be heard from Eric as Y/N stay silent. 

His growl came out like a small given warning to whoever is on their way near them. Y/N shut her eyes and then the notice stops. 

"Queen," said the Wolf. He looks down at the little spirit Fox and blinks. Queen did the same and a small sound escape her lips in delight to see that the intruder is only Eric, and a human. 

"Queen, I see it's only Eric," said a familiar voice. His tails follow him from behind as he steps down from the glowing willow tree, Eric and Y/N were underneath. Changmin's gold orb remains hidden behind the eye patch as his left eye blink in brown. "and his human."

Y/N felt a strange aura coming from the stranger in front of them and Eric carefully set her down to her feet. Quickly, Y/N grabs a hold of Eric's arm and hides behind his broad figure. Changmin raises an eyebrow in amusement. 

"She seems harmless to me," said Changmin, he directs his words to the fox spirit, who was now sitting on his shoulder. 

For a fox, Queen is quite small, to be able to sit on Changmin's shoulder like that, thought Y/N.

The glowing gold iris of Queen remains on the human girl, standing in her forest ground. 

Eric clears his throat, "I've brought Y/N back with me to visit." He glances over his shoulder to his winged followers, who shyly look away as they've been caught following them from behind. The little faeries step out and bow to Y/N who slightly smiles but the words of Eric still lingers in her head. 

"Don't worry, as long as you don't hurt them, they won't take your energy. Faeries here are meant to keep the Forest from losing its touch so don't hurt any of the living creatures here, you should be welcome if you follow those rules." Changmin lets out a chuckle as he turns to walk ahead of them. Queen still by his side. 

Eric, "Changmin is right, they won't take your energy unless you mean harm. I won't let them do that to you anyway. Let's go." Y/N nodded as the two of them follow the Fox down the path ahead of them, Y/N peaking behind her. 

The faeries wave goodbye to her as they dash away into the night again. 

They're so beautiful, Y/N thought.

What a beautiful Forest with so many beautiful creatures. They don't seem harmful to Y/N at all, based on Changmin's explanation. If they only attack based on your intentions, why would humans hurt such an ethereal being for a foolish desire? 

What a terrible world it is to have such beauty be ruined by power and greed. 

"They're here!" A voice squeaks in excitement. A few other animals leap out to the central grassland, to greet their guest. 

"Oh my! She's beautiful."

"Eric, is she really the one?"

"The Forest Goddess will be blessed to have her here."

"What a fortune."

"Look at her skin!"

"Her hair is so pretty."

"What a pretty human she is, Eric." 

One after another, the forest creatures and fae quickly comment at the arrival of Y/N. Eric holds her hand and lightly squeeze it. Y/N glances over to the man by her side and assures him. 

The corner of Eric's lips curved, slowly he let go of her hand as he was more than positive that Y/N is ready to explore his side of the world. 

The Blond leans over her side and whispers to her ear, 

"If you need me, I'll be right here."

Sapphire Lust - Eric Sohn✔️Where stories live. Discover now