8) Out of Control

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After that kiss, Y/N was never the same. Her mind would run out of control and if she ever look at Eric straight in the eyes she will immediately feel like she had sinned. Her heart will race at immense speed and her face will be flushed red every time he raises an eyebrow towards her way. 

Y/N can't seem to grasp onto the reality yet but having Eric in her presence feels right. If only her parents knew about who and what had she run back to and brought back, they will skin her alive and isolated her from the world. Y/N sighs at the thought of their reactions.

Eric, on the other hand, has never stopped smiling every time he sees Y/N. Whether that was in the morning, at night at dinner, at the market, or even just under the same roof doing who knows what, Eric has never been more than happy. His tail would wag every morning he come woke Y/N up. His ears will perk up as soon as she speaks and his eyes will sparkle like stars when they make eye contact. 

"Oh~ he's in deep, alright," said Kevin, who munches on his rice cake as he watches the energetic Wolf work with his hands, Eric giggles to himself. His brows twitch in frustration as he tries his best to twist the stems of the flowers into the loophole. Eric mentally prays that his attempt does not fail. 

"Eric!" Juyeon yells into the grassland where the wolf sits crossed legs with loads of roses, lilies, daisies, and irises. All sorts of colorful flowers spread around his figure as he ignores Juyeon's call. 

Juyeon crosses his arms, "What is he doing?" 

"Flower crown, I'm assuming," said Chanhee, he looks down to his hands and counts his feathers to himself. The crane flips his long robe over his arms and walks away, "You might wanna keep an eye on him. His season is coming soon and I'm afraid a human lady isn't going to be enough to hold him together. That puppy is going to be quite needy especially if it's his first-time experience." 

"Don't say that too loud. He got quite big ears you know. Calling him a puppy might offend him," said Sunwoo. His judging eyes make their way to Eric's small figure afar. "But seriously...you guys allowed that?" 

"Eric has already told us that he's devoted already. You can't really stop a wolf from giving its loyalty to someone. Once they make up their mind they don't stop until the end." Sangyeon explains as he takes a seat on a nearby seat. "Especially coming from a Guardian. Eric will soon become immortal once he reaches his final stage." 

A deer steps forward to them, "But that might take some time. Immortality isn't something to be achieved so soon. Who knows how fast can he obtain it," He shifts his form, a pair of antlers, decorated with shiny strings of pearls and crystals. "Besides, if he's in love with a human do you think he'll want to become an immortal? Wouldn't that be too painful for Eric to bear?"

The others fall silent at Haknyeon's words. It's true. They can't deny the possibilities that Eric may not reach his final stage but fall behind because of a human. Eric is a guardian of the Magical Forest. His job is to protect his side of the forest and to stop humans from raiding their barrier but how can they force Eric to continue on when he's fallen under the soft touch of a human girl, who may not live forever?

"I know I shouldn't be suggesting anything but," Jacob speaks among them after a long silent pause, "why don't we welcome Y/N into the Forest and maybe have a talk with her. You know...people do tend to change and it looks like they fear us more than we fear them." 

The others remain silent except Changmin, "I supposed we could," He smiles. His fox ear moves in a sense of excitement as a forehead band hangs lightly on his forehead, strings of jewelry hanging from the side along with a thin fur string. 

"She doesn't sound like the type to have an evil heart, why not give her a chance?" 


Working on her last bouquet for the market, Y/N sighs in relief as she finishes the final touch on the flowers. Tired and exhausted from tending her flower garden and fighting the thorns on rose stems Y/N can finally lay her head down on the table for a short rest. 

Sapphire Lust - Eric Sohn✔️Where stories live. Discover now