chapter 3

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Zoe's pov
Woe zoe you just saved that little girls life Tyler said In shock. I nodded and put my headphones in and cared like nothing was wrong but deep down it was. You see my little sister she was 5 years younger then me. And one day we found her laying in the road died and lifeless.

I cried for days I was only 15 when she died. I loved my sister more than anything. She left so early too. Only being ten and dieing before telling everyone how much you loved them. Just one day gone like that. I cut for years Tyler was my best friend when this happened. He didn't know I was cutting until one day I forgot about my cuts and wore a short sleeve shirt.
But anyways I miss my sister. She was my world. I felt the car jerk then come to a stop I stoped my music and put it in low. As I got out of the car. I missed you so much Lillie said to me as she pulled me into a long friendly hug.

I missed you too lil I said and hugged back okay so I made dinner and set out the plates enjoy I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna go get stuff to drink Lillie said then ran outside.

Tyler 's pov
Oh my god Tyler tell her already I yelled at myself. How. I asked myself. Zoe I love you. No to upfront. Zoe we have been friends for 9 years and I love so will you be mine? No that's all wrong it's not the right moment Tyler! When is you haven't told her this for 9 years! Tell her today! Okay fine I'll tell her tonight. I told myself

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