Part I

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"Do you, Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodlen Realm, take (Y/N) (L/N) of (Insert country, town, city exe,), to be your long and faithful mate, wife, and lover. For as long as you live?" Legolas looked down at me, smiling his genuine, warm smile. He stared into my eyes, he seemed hypnotized, as if he was spellbound. I admired the way he looked at me, it wasn't lust or possessive. It was heartfelt and sweet. Legolas turned to Gandalf, who was performing the ceremony. For, Legolas's father did not agree to this marriage, neither did his people. So I guess you could say, we were secretly marrying. Gandalf smiled and chuckled, he too was happy, "I do."
We heard a whistle from Aragorn, who was holding Arwen to his side. They married even though they were different races, so they were happy to see me and Legolas do the same. Gandalf then turned to me, he winked and laughed. I blushed and looked down, "Do you, (Y/N) (L/N) of (Insert country, town, city exe.), take Legolas of the Woodlen Realm, to be your long and faithful mate, husband, and lover. For as long as you live?" I looked at Legolas, who was holding my hand, I was shaking, and he knew it. He squeezed my hand and cupped it with the other. I stared into his eyes, not wanting to look away. He grazed his thumb over my hands, relaxing me. I sighed and turned back to Gandalf who was waiting patiently for the fateful two words, "I do." I said, sighing in relief. We heard more whistles emerge from our small crowd of friends. Gandalf then wrapped his arms around our shoulders, "Well then, I know pronounce you, faithful mates, and husband to wife! You may kiss the bride!"
Legolas turned towards me and cupped my face, he slowly kissed me. His lips felt warm against mine, it was as if our lips were in synch with each other. Once we parted, Legolas hoisted me up, wrapping his strong muscular arms around my waist. I laughed as our friends cheered and whistled from the crowd, the loudest one was Aragorn. Aragorn whistled and cheered, shouting at us congratulating slurs. Legolas lowered me down but didn't let go of me, the Hobbits. Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry approached us. All holding flowers of all kinds,

"We congratulate you on your marriage!" Sam piped up,
"and for letting us pick out these flowers from your garden (Y/N)!" Merry said. I crouched down and kissed Merry's forehead, "You are very much welcome Merry!" He blushed and looked down at his feet, playing with the flower petals of a daisy. I then smiled and continued to kiss all of their foreheads, "I apologize for having you four hold the flowers, we couldn't find flower maidens." Legolas exclaimed. Then all of a sudden Pippen yelled, "We're flower Hobbits!" Me and Legolas started to laugh. After that, we started the reception party that was held in my garden. Since I love nature and all of it's beauty, I grew a garden. It resembles a ball room but with flowers growing along the rails and green vines surrounding the building. It was beautiful.
As the night went on, everyone was laughing and telling jokes. Aragorn was telling the most jokes, and Legolas was telling the Hobbits the story of how we met. I evasdropped and sat only a few feet away from the table they sat at, ".... She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, (E/C) eyes, (H/C) hair, she resembled a goddess in my eyes..." I listened as the Hobbits were in awe, Frodo caught me listening in,

"(Y/N), what did you think of Legolas when you first saw him?" I blushed, Legolas turned around to face me, his blue irises staring into me, "I would also LOVE to know this as well." I chuckled and walked over to their table, I then came towards Legolas, and just to tease him I sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and dug his head into my shoulder, giving sweet kisses to my neck. I giggled and blushed, "When I first met Legolas, I was very facisnated with him. For I had never seen an Elf before." Sam's mouth gaped open, "Really?" I smiled towards him, "Yes Sam, I had never seen an Elf at that time. I grew up in isolation remember?" Yes, I grew up in a small village. Everything was normal until everyone in the village disappeared, even the kids I used to play with were gone. So I lived most of my life trapped there, "Legolas was mysterious to me, I asked him many questions. About his culture, his heritage, Elf traditions in general. He never seemed to mind, I then became attracted to him and began to fall head over heels for him. I mean, he is very attractive, and kind, sweet, understanding, respectful, strong and..." My words wandered off, I was smiling like an idiot. Legolas grabbed my chin and smiled. Ah, that smile, it always broke me. It was pure bliss to see him smiling like that, he was a very serious person. Often wandering off in his own mind, he was always so conservative. Always keeping things to himself.
"Um, Legolas, when did you meet (Y/N)? It was during the time of Sauron right? When the Fellowship was formed?" Pippin asked. Legolas was in the middle of giving me sweet kisses on my cheek, then he turned to Pippin, "Yes, it was during that time. She was a fierce warrior, fought well, and looked good while doing it." I nudged him and he bellowed out laughing. As he was in the heat of laughing, I did not notice Aragorn walk over towards us. He stood beside me and Legolas, then he spoke, "(Y/N), I need to talk to you." He sounded serious. So I pulled myself off Legolas's lap, he noticed and said, "Where are you going -en meleth?" I giggled, "I'm going to speak with Aragorn, my love..." Legolas nodded and went back to talking to Pippin about me and him. As Aragorn and I went to the back of the room I asked, "What is it Aragorn?" He turned to me, slowly, his eyes were filled with anxiety. Possibly even fear, "Aragorn-" he put his hand up to stop me, "(Y/N), don't speak." I then became very confused. He was scaring me, I didn't know what was wrong, "Do you know what is to happen tonight (Y/N)?" I looked up at him, "Well, I, never really thought of it... I guess tonight, when everything has settled down. I guess when the party is over, me and Legolas will....." I became very flustered and red. Aragorn grabbed my shoulders, "(Y/N), listen to me. Elves are very.... sexual creatures..... they don't have sex like normal humans, they, they-" as Aragorn was trying to say something, Legolas walked up to us, "So what are you two talking about?" I turned around towards him. His cheeks red and his hair glowing bright as always. I opened my mouth to say something, but Aragorn interrupted me, "We were talking about the many children you shall have! I can't wait to see little blond and (H/C) haired boys and girls running around your garden! You will have beautiful children!" He said while patting Legolas's back. Legolas chuckled, many children? Why was Aragorn so anxious? What is going on?
As I pondered on my own thoughts, Aragorn spoke once more, "C'mon Legolas, let us talk about something..." They then walked away, while Aragorn whispered something to him. I was so very confused. I just kept staring at them the whole time. Occasionally, Legolas would look at me, then he would turn away. I stood and looked up at the night sky, the ceiling was made of glass so you could see the sky. It was absolutely beautiful. The moon was a crescent, giving off it's illuminating glow. I closed my eyes, letting darkness sink into me while music and laughter filled me. I felt whole, I felt completed. I was married, I found love, what else could I ask for. My friends surronded me, making me feel loved once again, and him, Legolas was the light I needed to survive myself. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be dead. He has helped me through so much, he has protected me and called me his lover, and saved me so many times before. I love him.
Legolas and Aragorn came a few minutes later, Legolas looking mischievous, and Aragorn still looking anxious, "You two have fun tonight, and be careful Legolas....." Legolas turned to him, smirking, "Don't worry, I will." Aragorn then turned and walked away. Me, still being in my confused state asked, "What did he tell you, and why is he so anxious?" Legolas chuckled and turned his body towards me, his arms wrapping around me, "He told me to be gentle with you tonight......" I blushed, thinking about the activity that was going to take place. Then, Legolas grazed his hands over my stomach, massaging my sides with his thumbs, "I innas caro -dhir glamm -en eneth ." I gasped, I never knew Legolas, out of all the people I knew, would say something like that. His hand touched the arch of my back, and slowly slid down to my ass, "Oh, so you understood me.... your Sindarin Elvish is improving -en meleth...." He then grasped my ass.
I tried not to protest, because the people around me, our friends, would hear. I also didn't say anything, because deep down,

I wanted it.

[1] -en meleth - my love

[2] I innas caro -dhir glamm -en eneth - I will make you scream my name

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