Chapter I: So the Move

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Hello everyone! This is my first fan fiction but not my first time writing! This book is a mix of A Sitch in Time and what happens to Ron, Kim, and their missions after college. The chapter may be a little short, but I wanted to focus more on one specific event.


Alarms went off left and right throughout the dorms. It was the fifth month of College and as usual, the red headed girl had slept at her best friend -and boyfriend's- dorm for the night. Her obnoxious roommate took over her dorm with her constant partying and late-night talks to her boyfriend.

Kim Possible woke up on the couch to the sounds of Ron Stoppable and his little naked mole rat, Rufus making breakfast and banging around pots and pans. "Hey Ron." She spoke with a raspy and tired tone as she looked up at the two boys. Her temptation to roll over and fall back to sleep was strong as she knew that she had to get up and start getting ready to go back to school.

"Hey, KP! Ready for class?" Ron set plate of pancakes on the table in front of the couch for Kim when she was ready to eat. He had always been there to help is best friend no matter the case. Whether it was stopping evil or just making her breakfast in the mornings.

She yawned and slowly rolled off the couch, landing on the floor with a loud thud. "Yeah..." Her voice was tired for the fact that her annoying roommate had kept her wide awake for the past week due to the fact that she was on the phone non-stop with her boyfriend. But it wasn't only her roommate's endless phone calls that kept Kim up. Last night, Kim and Ron had stayed up all night watching a TV marathon.

She once again had no motivation to move from off the floor. She wanted to lay there all day long and do absolutely nothing but stare up at the boring, white ceiling. The smell of the pancakes was the only reason for her to move. She slowly began to sit up and crawl towards the wooden coffee table as she sat on the floor, wrapped in a large comforter. She was too tired that it became a shock to her that she could use her hands properly. She carefully took the fork in her hands as she began to cut into the double layers of pancake that stood in front of her.

"You alright, KP?" He asked as he walked over, clueless of how tired she was. He placed his own plate of pancakes down on the table as he sat beside her. Rufus scurried out of his pants pocket and began to dive into the pancake as Ron watched Kim's attempt to eat. "Here let me help you, KP." He lightly took her fork from her hand and began to cut the pancake for her. He placed the fork down on the plate, curious if she wanted him to mouth feed her like a toddler. She took the fork and began to slowly eat the pieces one by one.

"Yeah, Ron. I'm fine. Just a bit tired." She stood up, a bit wobbly as the comforter slid off of her shoulders and fell to the floor. "Oh bur!" She began to shake as she tried to create friction by rubbing her hands up and down her arm to try and stay warm. Ron quickly bolted up and pulled the comforter over his cold friend. He hated to see her so out of it like this. Ron then assisted her to sit back down the the couch as he turned on some TV to keep her company while he began to clean up.

"A- are you sure you want to go to school today, KP?" Ron questioned, not so positive that she can make it through the day today. Her tiredness worried him. She had never been this out of it before even when she would be up all night, saving the world.

I guess time really wore her down... Ron thought to himself as he watched her carefully, making sure she didn't accidentally hurt herself by hitting her head or something.

"Of course I want to go! I'm just fine, Ron." Kim began to get offensive. Ron hesitantly helped Kim stand up. He didn't want to chose her decisions for her, but he hated seeing her like this. It became a slow process to get Kim back to her dorm. Ron began to wonder if it was just her being tired or if it was something more.

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