Chapter V: So the Steal

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After the ice cream parlor, Kim and Emily were shockingly greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Possible.

"H- hello mom..." Kim spoke, a bit on ease. "What are you doing here?"

Without a word, Mrs. Possible gripped Kim's wrist. Kim was a step ahead of her mother as she jumped in the air doing a backflip and landing behind her mother, flipping her over.

"You.." She paused and glared at the woman, "Are not my mother!" She stood over the woman. "I don't know who you are," Kim continued. "You may look like my mother, but you're not my mother!" She screamed at the woman who she had now pinned to the ground and kept her foot over the woman's chest.

Sadly, while Kim had been fighting the woman, Emily was thrown into her father's stolen car and the car was long vanished. Kim stood there, puzzled and mentally breaking down. She was all alone in an empty parking lot. Nobody had witnessed this kidnapping and Kim hadn't heard her daughter scream for help.

The woman got up, knocking Kim over as she ran to her car. Kim stood put for a few seconds, then ran after the woman. She tried to jump in the car, but in her frantic hurry to open any of the locked doors, the car began to drive away. She began to run beside he car, pounding at the windows. She wasn't sure what she was achieving by doing so, but she tried anything. The car picked up speed and Kim got the idea to check for a license plate. As the car rolled past her at an alarming rate, she noticed there was no license plate.

"Well, isn't that perfect..." She mumbled to herself as she jumped in her car and began to speed in the direction of which the car and gone. On the way to no where, her phone rang. It wasn't just anyone calling; it was her mother. She rapidly picked up the phone, about to scream at her mother for kidnapping her daughter but something struck her. She had to listen to what her mother had to say.

It was all a jumble of words but it went something like this. "Kim! Kim! We are trapped!" Her mother screamed into the phone. She was panting and frantic. The phone call continued. "If you see us, do not trust us!" She continued, trying to calm down. Kim could tell that her mother was in tears as she continued to talk. "I am located at..."

The last thing Kim could hear was someone yelling. She couldn't make out the voice but she knew something was wrong. She heard the phone drop and her mother in tears. Where her father was, she had no idea. She listened a bit more and heard a young girl in tears. Not just any girl; it was Emily.

"Emily! Emily!" She tried to scream through the phone as she sat in traffic in her car.

She continued to listen as she heard the girl yell "Grandma! Grandpa!" She continued to try and scream for Emily to hear her. She wanted to tell her that everything would be ok. There was more crying and Kim was only left to imagine what Emily was going through at this very moment.

"Emily! Emily!" She continued to scream into the phone, trying to contact her daughter. She knew if she called the police, they wouldn't do anything.

They could never understand like how we... Did. Kim realized what she was missing. She was missing Ron!

If only I could get ahold of him... She thought to herself, regretting losing touch with him. The thought of Ron went away just as fast as it came, for she was more concerned for her own family. He wasn't around anymore for his children or her, so why should she try to reach out to him?

Focusing back into the phone call, she had realized that she had spaced out on what was happening as she continued to listen to the phone call. She had thought that maybe if she listened closely enough, she could find out just where these people took her and who these people truly were.

Soon, she heard someone lift the phone off the ground. There was no voice to it, but in the background she heard someone yelling and her family crying. The phone call ended there, leaving Kim stuck in traffic, frantic to find her daughter and save her family; her true family.

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