Chapter III: So the Daughter

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I'm so sorry everyone for the delay in the update. I am also sorry for a super short chapter. Finals for school have gotten in the way and I promise that after June 2nd, I am home free!! I didn't want this to be so short but I didn't want you guys to wait a month..
Three years have passed since Ron left. Three silent, college years without a word from Ron. After that summer break, they had lost touch and the news of their child's birth was kept on the down low. Ron hadn't s clue about the child and Kim kept it that way. They no longer lived in a crammed up dorm on the school campus, instead, they thrived in a small studio up north of the city.

Today was an average weekend for Kim and her two year old daughter, Emily. A sip of coffee and some morning chores before heading down south for the weekend to spend time with her family. Life had moved on without Ron in her life, and as much has it hurt to admit that, she had Emily to remind her of her old friend.

Emily was young, innocent, and pure. She liked the simple things in life. She always delicately picked the prettiest flowers for her mother and painted fairly good pictures. She was kind to everyone, just like her mom. Her hair was a light orange and her ears were a bit larger for her head, like Ron's. Her brown eyes gleamed in the light of the early morning sun as her freckles outlined her gleaming smile.

Emily had ran into the room at that moment, ready to go see her grandparents for the weekend. She had heard a few minor stories of this Ron character and how amazing and close he was to Kim, but one knew of his whereabouts. Last Kim heard, he was basking in the Norwegian sun.

"Ready to go, Emily?" Kim's soft voice questioned as she held a small backpack with some toys re-packed and a small snack for the car. Emily came rushing into the room as Kim swooped her up in her arms and carried her to the car.

The ride was silent, for Emily had fallen asleep in the back seat. They had made a few stops on the way as Emily peacefully slept through most of what was happening around her. What Kim loved most about her daughter was how most of her facial features were so closely related to Ron's. She could look at Emily and it would instantly remind her of every happy, cheerful memory of her old friend.

She had promised herself to not speak too much of Ron to protect Emily from thinking that he had walked out on them. Instead, she kept Emily's father a secret and tried not to speak of him too much around her. She wanted to save the true story for a few more years, when she could understand the true meaning of what happened.


A little over a year later, Kim finally enrolled Emily into the preschool that she had once attended; the place she met Ron at. She refused to stay and be reminded of the friend that she couldn't talk to. She signed the needed forms, said goodbye to Emily, and left as quickly as she came before her emotions were to get the better of her.

Emily, young and innocent, had no clue why her mom left in such a hurry as the sweet woman at the registration desk took Emily by the hand and led her to room 12B; her new classroom. She had enjoyed the excitement and surprise that the class had in store for her as she ran around alone playing with the toys.

The room was full of many activities. From large stuffed toys to coloring books and crayons. The kids had a free reign and did as they pleased. The toys were well maintained and the staff made sure everything was in order. The children explored about the room as they noisily ran around, screaming at one another. Emily quietly sat by herself in the corner of the room. She rolled around a large red ball as she tried to drain out the other kids' screams.

Finally, the back doors swung open and all the other kids ran outside. Emily was too afraid of being trampled that she slowly edged her way outside. The kids played on the play set as Emily say under a shaded tree rolling her ball around. She rolled it around quite a lot until the ball was tossed out of her reach where two little misfit boys picked up the ball and ran away with it, laughing. Emily sat under her tree in shock. She didn't have the guts to stop them as she sat down against the tree to admire her red ball from afar.

As Emily say alone under her tree, a little wimpy, brown-haired boy showily approached her. She glanced up at the boy and as she stood up, he handed her her ball back. She stared at the ball for a moment before she took it.

"Uh thank you..." She spoke hesitantly as she took it back in shock as she looked up at the nervous boy. "You're weird." She spoke as he perked up, shocked by her words. She continued, "But I like you." Emily's face cracked into a smile as the little boy nervously smiled back. "My name is Emily."

"M- my name is Chris." The boy stammered in a quiet voice. After an awkward silence, the two of them began to play around under the shaded tree, hardly remembering the red bouncy ball that brought their friendship together. They played together every single day as their friendship grew closer and closer. They began to do everything together. Kim had noticed that their friendship seemed to be a repeat of her own. And as she watched Emily and Chris play, she began to wish more and more to speak with Ron again.

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