Chapter II: So The Sleep

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Hello again! This update is a bit later than I wanted, but I got a little busy. This chapter may be a bit boring, but it leads to a bigger picture. Hope you enjoy it!
~ TheRisingWolf
A few days passed of only being able to speak to Ron for a couple minutes each night through the kimmunicator, Kim finally began to get used to not having Ron around. Though, she couldn't always cope with it, she was learning to deal with the fact that Ron isn't coming back. She had dreams that this was all fake only to wake up to find that it was just a dream. They were still a couple with a strong relationship and that's all that mattered for her. They still loved each other and would talk as much as they could even if that meant both of them got little sleep.

But as time grew, she began to slowly lose touch with Ron. She didn't plan on it to be this way, but she found that her schooling was more important. There hasn't been any missions lately, so they had no reason to meet up. They even began to loose touch with Wade.

Soon, their chats began lessen to once or twice a week and within two months, their communication was slim. They both made several attempts to speak with each other, but many times failed. Each day, Kim would pass by Ron's old dorm. It remained empty with a single kitchen light on and the room was spotless and hollow. Some days, she would stand beside the window and peer into the dorm. Memories of the five months that they had shared in there flooded back to her.

They both had their studies to focus on and the time zone made everything switch around. In fact, the last time Kim and Ron had spoken was two weeks ago. Their communication may have been shortened, but their love for each other was still strong. Ron had planned to fly out there over the summer, but things became complicated. Ron got caught up and Kim planned to go out to Mexico with Monique. There still weren't any mission signals from Wade and things seemed to be peaceful. The two hadn't talked in two weeks when Ron told Kim that he needed to cancel the plans.

As the next couple of weeks passed by, Kim began to feel sick to her stomach again and her appetite grew. She began eating much more food than ever. She would order so much food that she began to gain a couple pounds. She began to ignore the fact that her physical body didn't seem as healthy anymore as she continued to eat as she pleased. Headaches began to get worse and she would begin to get nauseous as well, but she bottled up her physical pain as she continued studying hard and working fast.

In the middle of Kim's studies, her kimmunicator went off. "Hello?" She asked groggily as she was too tired and sleep deprived to process who called. Her studies had kept her up from dusk until dawn almost every night to the point that sleep became a distant memory. In her mind, sleep meant dreams and dreams meant Ron

"Kim?" Ron's voice seemed to be very shocked to see the once bright and happy Kim turn into some sleep deprived, anti-social, zombie-like creature. "Jee, Kim, you don't look ok..." Ron spoke as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm fine!" Kim snapped at Ron. Her sleep deprived state caused her to become on ease but she couldn't take her eyes off her books. This was her way of coping with not having her best friend around anymore. "I'm fine..." She yawned as her eyes began to flutter. This had been the first time in a month that she has talked to Ron and she began to doze off.

Ron understood what was going on, for he seemed to be doing almost the same thing. He not only are his time away, but his eyes never left his television screen. He too hadn't gotten sleep in weeks because sleep meant dreams and dreams meant Kim.

Kim tired so desperately to stay awake for Ron, but ended up falling asleep. To hear Ron's voice made her realize what she had been missing. She had been missing sleep. They had chatted for a couple minutes before Ron slowly watched Kim's eyes flutter shut. To see Kim finally get some sleep pleased Ron as he drove towards his school. After she was sound asleep, he hung up the call and set the kimmunicator down in the cup holder of his car.

As Kim woke up the next day, she realized what had happened last night. Though she was pleased that she finally got a good night's sleep, she was deeply upset that she had only talked to Ron for a few minutes.

Kim glanced down at the time on her watch as she thought to herself, I'll call Ron when I get off of school. She quickly grabbed her bag and drove off to campus to begin her long, ever-lasting school day. As each minute ticked by, she sat, impatient for the end of the day to arrive and when it did, she was the first one to bolt out of class. She threw her stuff in the back of her car as she rapidly took out the kimmunicator and began to call Ron.

"Hey, KP!" Ron spoke as he stuffed a burrito in his mouth. It was a shock to Kim that he answered this time. For the past couple of weeks, when she called him around this time, the kimmunicator would continuously be sent to voicemail.

"Ron!" A sigh of relief crossed her voice as she was thrilled to see her boyfriend's face again.

"Hey Kim, what's up?" Ron spoke through an open mouth of burrito. "Did you know they have a Bueno Nacho here?" By the sound of his voice, Kim could tell his excitement was strong.

"That's cool..." Kim spoke as she began to start her car up.

Before Kim could finish, Ron interrupted. "Oh, Rufus says hi!" Ron took his camera and aimed it at the small mole rat as he said his barely- understandable greeting.

"Hey Rufus..." Kim spoke to the talking mole rat.

Once again, before she could continue, she was interrupted by Ron again, "Oh I sent you a present in the mail. They were giving them away at one of the small kiosks at my school." Kim didn't bother to speak as she nodded her head and began to drive out of the parking lot of the school.

Ron's yawn was loud and easily heard through the video call. "I- I better go, Kim. I'll speak to you soon!" His voice seemed satisfied and exhausted as he hung up the call after they said their goodnights.

A week or so had passed since she talked to Ron last. Her body began to remember what sleep was as she began to sleep more, eat more, and her headaches continued. She began to accept the little communication that Ron and her had. When they did talk, it would be nothing not a short thirty minutes or so. Ron and her made many attempts to see each other, but each time something got in their way.

Now, it was the end of school and the beginning of finals. Kim had studied extra hard for this and was ready to go. Ron had made yet another failed plan to see her and by now, Kim's stomach was a large sphere and was almost always in pain. She chose not to tell Ron any of what she was experiencing, for she didn't want to trouble him with something he couldn't fix.

Finally, Summer Break was now beginning and Kim left her college campus to travel home for the summer. She missed her home and most importantly, her family. She even missed the tweebs who weren't so little anymore.Her arrival home was a large deal for the town. She was now home free, and better yet, pregnant.

On her way home, she made a quick detour down Ron's street. As she arrived closer to the house, she saw a blue car parked in the driveway and a few kids out playing in the front yard. The mother of the family was gardening and the father was fixing the car. She parked against the curb as she approached the house.

"Hello. How can we help you, Kim Possible?" The women had apparently heard of the famous? life-saving Kim Possible.

Kim let off a fake smile. "My best friend use to live here. I came to check out the house."

The women walked Kim to the front door of the house as she began to show Kim around. Many flashbacks appeared in her mind. The family didn't change anything in the house. The furniture was almost the same as it was when Ron lived there. Her eyes began to well up in tears at the thousands of memories with her best friend and their many adventures. After a while of checking out every corner of the house, she left with a pleasant goodbye and was on her way home.

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