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*1 week later*

Annie's POV:

I was walking down the street deep in thought.  Kyle got home 3 days ago and me and Ty haven't really talked since we were at his house.  It was like there was this awkward tension in the air that neither of us wanted to face so we did exactly that, didn't face it.

I get interrupted in my thoughts by a voice
"Annie are you ok?" I look up to see the voice belonged to Jackson.

"Yea just thinking care to walk with me" I say with a encouraging smile.

"Don't mind if I do so any specific destination me lady" he says walking beside me.

"No not really" I say with shrug.

"Then how about I treat you to some coffee"
He says smirking whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

I can't help but laugh

"Ok yes" I say defeated.

"Was it the the eyebrows" he says whilst still wiggling his eyebrows.

"Your a dork" I say playfully nudding his shoulder with mine.

"Here we are" Jackson says from beside me.

"That was fast, thank you kind sir" I say with him opening the door for me.

I walk threw the door to see the last person I wanted to Ty and Cece.  Oh God Annie just breath, breath.

Tys POV:

"Can I get a iced oatmilk coffee with Carmel and lavender." I look up and see the last person I expected Annie... and JACKSON. What the hell first the phone call now this there has to be something going on. I didn't want to cause a scene and confront him about the party so I will just-

"Hey Annie, hey Jackson come sit with us" Cece says interrupting my train of thought.

They look at eachother and shrug then come to sit.  I can't help but let my eyes wander down Annie she had her hair in a messy bun with a yellow dress on not like an ugly yellow but a subtle yellow that made her look absolutely stunning I found myself staring for a little to long. Then my eyes darted to Jackson.

What would Annie such a kind sweet sole see in him he was a complete d-bag.

"So how have you guys been I haven't seen you guys since we'll you know"  Cece says breaking the stone cold stare I had on Jackson.

"I've been managing" Annie and Jackson say at the same timelookung at eachother and laughing.

"Wow it's almost like you guys rehearsed that" I say unimpressed.

"TY! Dont be rude" Cece says looking at me.

"Sorry didn't mean too mom" I say and apparently she thought I was joking cause she laughed.  It was then Annie finally looked at me and gave me a stern look to stop and I found myself almost immediately stopping what is wrong with me.

We found ourselves staring a little too long.

"I have two coffees for a Jackson" the batista says breaking me and Annie out of our trance.

"Bye guys see ya later" Jackson says taking Annie's hand.  God how I wanted to snack that smirk off his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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