Chapter 2

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I was stunned, shocked, startled puzzled, and bewildered all at once. I was worried, no relieved, no upset, no elated.... Maybe I wasn't quite what it was I felt. But I knew one thing for certain; whatever I was feeling was making my heart jump at a unsteady rate of about a million pumps per second and the heels of my feet slap together as I crossed my legs in anticipation of what might happen next.

There he was, standing right in front of me. It was as if he hadn't changed a bit since I'd seen him last, being hauled away in the back of a cop car in the back woods while I cried hysterically.

"Harry?" I couldn't believe it was actually him! the sun made the curly brown locks atop his head gleam and shine. And his eyes lit up with my voice.

"Ella." I ran to him throwing my arms around his neck and embracing him in a hug I had for so long desperately needed. He still smelt of cologne and toothepast and his hands grazed my sides as we stood there taking eachother in. This had to have been some sort of dream. I closed my eyes squeezing them shut to prevent the stream of tears behind my eye lids from spilling out over my face. It was a cool, damp morning but Harry's touch kept both my body and fluttering heart warm and cozy. He pulled back running one of his strong hands through my hair and cupping my chin between his fingers.

"You didn't think they could me away from you, did you?" He whispered, his soft lips underneath my earlobe. I giggled and he brought me in tigher connecting his lips with the soft skin of my neck. I hummed bringing my hand to the back of his head to tangle in his curls.

"Of course not." I whispered back watching as goosebumps sprang across the skin of Harry's neck and he moved his lips to my mouth to snog me.

I pulled away before they could entertwine. I couldn't do this; liam. Harry sensed my discomfort and hesitation taking a step back and running a hand through his brown locks he sighed deeply.

"That other guy. It's him isn't it?" I had forgotten that Harry had known that I was with Liam before he'd taken me. I closed my eyes squeezing them

Shut, silently willing Harry to keep his distance. But to no avail; he stepped forward and I moved with him. He stepped up and I stepped back, away, against until I had been backed into a wall.

"Harry please!" I begged turning my face away from his. Because I knew, I knew one wiff of that boys cologne, one chill of his breathe puffing over my face and I would absolutely and completely loose it. Liam and I had worked so hard, I couldnt let this happen; not now.

"Ella what is it that's blinding you? Why can't you see? I could treat you so much better than that twat could. I love you remember." I took a deep breathe; Harry was really trying my patience and testing my self control right now. I had to get away from him.

"I'm sorry Harry I can't." thinking this would send him away I turned my face back so my head rested against the wall but this only made Harry's toned chest press harder against me. I squirmed underneathe him, his strong hands were planted on either side of my head and plastered to the wall behind us.

"Ella, just give me a chance..." again he leaned forward in attempt to brush his lips with mine and again I turned away. Harry looked angry, then another emotion took over. And emotion I'd never seen in Harry and never thought possible of him; he was hurt. And it broke my heart to witness it but what was I to do.

"ok." was all he said before lifting himself off of me and walking away. Not turning back even once to glance at me.... Not that wanted him to anyways I had Liam. And Liam made me happy..... At least I thought he did.

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