Chapter 3

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Without any thought, I quickly wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to my chest. She looked up at me with a sleepy look in her eyes.
"You feel so warm," she said as she cuddled closer to me.
"I'm sorry," I said as I leaned in to kiss her.

A few weeks have passed, it's already the first day of school. I haven't spoken to Diamond since that incident. It's just too awkward for me. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. It's not like I have feelings for her or anything. The whole situation is just weird. It shouldn't be that way since we're best friends. I just don't want to make it gay.
As I walk through the halls of this God-forsaken school, I can't help but think of that night. Though to say I miss her would be an understatement. Most nights since then, I've laid awake just thinking of the kiss we've shared. How her warm, soft lips felt against mine. The way her body quivered beneath the slightest touch of my fingertips. I miss the feeling of her soft breath against my neck as she slept. Even the way she would whimper at the slightest thing in her nightly slumber.
What is wrong with me? Why is it that she must constantly overwhelm my brain? It's like she has me hooked under a spell and I just can't get enough. I'm straight so why must I have these indecent thoughts about her? Maybe that is a normal thing for best friends. It's not weird at all! She's a very beautiful girl so everyone must have these thoughts about her... Right?
I continued to question myself completely unaware of my surroundings.
"Everest!" I heard a voice called out. Who is that? I hope it isn't Diamond. I just can't bring myself to face her just yet.
"Everest!" they said. There it is again. I searched for the owner of the voice but was unable to find the person. I suddenly saw the shadow of a figure walk up from behind me. Out of nowhere, I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"Hey, Everest, didn't you hear me calling you?" I stopped to see the owner of the voice be none other than Ashton. Oh, how I suddenly wish it was Diamond.
"What do you want now Ashton?"
"Hey, I wouldn't talk to me like that if I was you, considering that I will be the father of your future child."
"Why the hell would you think that you would be the father of my child?"
"Ask your mother. Besides, that's not why I am here. Why weren't you answering my texts?"
"I obviously didn't want to be bothered."
"Come on babe. You have to loosen up. How is this relationship ever going to last if you continue to be like this?"
"What the fuck are you talking about? We aren't in a damn relationship nor will we ever be!"
"Jeez, you don't have to be such a bitch about it. Can I at least take you on a date?"
"Why would I ever want to go on a date with you?"
"Just think about it, ok? All I want to do is to show you that I'm sorry. Nothing else. I promise."
"Ok, fine. I'll think about it."
"That's all I ask. I'll pick you up at 8."
With that he left, leaving me completely and utterly speechless. Who does he think he is? I never said that I would go out with him but who am I kidding it's not like I have much of a choice. The minute mother hears of this, she'll be quick to find a dress to put me in.
"Please tell me you're not thinking of going." I heard a very soft but stern familiar voice say. I quickly turned around to be met by a very angry-looking Diamond.
"Oh my gosh, D! You scared me!" I exclaimed turning around to face this short, tomboyish girl.
"You aren't going right?"
"I haven't figured that out yet besides it shouldn't matter."
"I don't think that's a good idea." She stated as we both started to walk to our lockers.
"It'll be fine. How are you after the whole thing with your dad?"
"We haven't spoken since then, he still makes a few indirect jabs every time we're having dinner."
"Ouch, I'm sorry to hear that. You do know that you can come over whenever you want to. You're always welcome there."
"I will keep that in mind."
Finally arriving at our lockers with a few minutes to spare we hurriedly got our books and ventured to our assigned first periods.
"Listen about the other day."
"It's fine there's no need to talk about it. It's not like we were making out or anything. Don't make a big deal about it."
"Oh yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say."
"Well, I have to go to class so I'll see you later." With that, she rushed through the door of her class leaving me to wonder about these lonely halls alone. Oh, how I wish we didn't have to go separate ways or part for as long as we do. Who would protect her when I am not around? Or comfort her when she is sad? She's my best friend. Who would be better for her than me?
The day dragged along ever so slowly. Before I knew it, school was coming to an end and unfortunately, I had assignments from almost every class. What a great way to start the school year.
"Hey Rist, hold on!" I heard a very annoying male voice announce from behind me.
"What do you want, Ashton."
"Just wanted to make sure that you remember about our date for tonight."
Before I could respond to him, someone came running straight at me. I was then engulfed by a short, curvy girl who resembled a more feminine version of Diamond.
"Oh my gosh, Megan! How are you?!"
"Rivy! I missed you so much!" She shouted still clutch to me.
"I missed you too! How was camp?"
"It was amazing I met so many new people!"
"That's great! Tell me everything!"
With Ashton now long forgotten, we both began to converse about our summer adventures while making our way home without any care in the world. Before we knew it, we had already reached Megan's home and were ready to part ways.
"Well, I will see you tomorrow"
"Call me when you get home so I can know that you made it there safe."
With that, I left continuing the rest of the way home. Not long afterward, I made it home and ran up the stairs to my room to avoid my mother's sight.
"Everest" she shouted, but by then I had made it safely into my room and closed the door. After such a long day, I finally have some time to relax. With the events of the day already behind me, I began to drift off to sleep.
"Everest!" My mother yelled as she barged into my room.
"When were you going to tell me that you and Ashton have a date tonight?!" she squealed.
"I wasn't, because I'm not going."
"Nonsense! That fine young man asked you on a date, so you're going. End of discussion."
"How do you know about this anyway?"
"Antwon called me. Now get up let's get you dressed for tonight."
"It's after 3 o'clock mamá! Why must I get ready now?!"
"It's going to take a whole lot of makeup to get you to look presentable."

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