The Village that went mad

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i am putting the name of the cc who was playing as the persona in the episode and the first name of the persona ,so you'll see , hehe

January 2. 2021


George Miles -

Corpse Catboy

Helga Quackity 

Bob LazarBeam 

Tubbo Robin

Jimmy Halo 

Jack Ponk

Dream Cornelius 

-Karl's pov-

It has been a week since i traveled back in time and even now i'm still a bit shaken up but i feel better since Alex and Sap keep me distracted . Today i decided to take the pocket watch to school ,i had a feeling i'd be thrown back in time today .

-Earlier that morning around 6:45 am- | OMFG i just looked up what time dose school in the USA start and its says at 7: 30 like WTFFFF dose it actually start that time or naw cuz in Europe it starts at 8 am so if i fucked up pls tell me to correct it |

I was woken up by my annoying alarm ,which was myself, Alex and Sap screaming at me to wake up, we all had matching ones. I grugrly turned it off and stood up ,immediately everything felt wrong and i had a feeling i would be thrown back in time today ,but i didn't know when . I decided to ware the clothes given to me by the book since they looked pretty normal ,and i took the book itself , putting it in my book bag whit my other books .

-time skip-

Soon i was in school ,meeting Alex and Sap ,them yelling at me for drinking a monster energy this early in the morning even tho i do it almost every day ,it was stupid . After another 20 or so minutes the bell rang and we each left to our classes.

-skip to around lunch -idfk what to write-

I was headed to the bathroom in the school and on my way there the watch started to tick and glowing slightly, " crap" i mumbled as i picked up my pace and started running twords the bathroom.

| day one |

Once i entered the bathroom i locked the main entrance and took the book out of my bag and held it to my chest as i soon started to fall into the swirl of green lights . This time i prepared for the fall and once i got thrown into the new world i managed to catch myself onto my feet , landing whit a slight grunt.

I looked around , taking in my surroundings ,i was again in the middle of a forest on a this time rock path. I followed the path which led me to another village, "let's hope i don't need to burn this one down too" I muttered as i entered the village ,immediately i was greeted whit a small child ,or teen but he was short ,he had brown hair whit a couple of blond streaks in it ,yes they were blond but they looked really yellow ,on he had some dirty and ripped clothes that were too big for him "hello mister " ,the child-teen said " Hello kid "  i greeted whit a small wave ," my name is Tubbo ,and what is you'r name " ,ahh he is so cute |platonic, bitches|, " I am Karl thank you for asking " , he didn't say anything else as he took me by the hand and we started to walk in the direction of a house ,there i was met whit a man sitting in a rocking chair ' oh god not again ' ,but this man was dressed normal not in any type of cloack . We talked for a bit , learned his name was George and he was a serif type person in the small village ,but since no crime happens around here ,or as he told me so ,he didn't really have any work to do . Something in my gut told me to write that part down , so i did ,and i had made some other notes on the people i saw . There was a woman ,who i think was  prostitute ,a farmer man , a shop worker, someone who i think runs a pub , the child Tubbo ,some sort of priest or something and a couple more , not sure who and what they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

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