The Message

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Haru: - Hey! Daisuke! Look what I found!
Daisuke started to turn pale... He looked at me and said:
Daisuke: - I don't know who these guys are... But I know why they're after me...

Haru: Why?!
Daisuke: - Let's get out of here! I'll tell you at the office!
Haru: -But why-
Daisuke had gotten too close to me. He had whispered in my ear that anyone could hear our conversation... And that couldn't be good for anyone, including him.

*Daisuke whispering*

Daisuke: - It's not good to stay here! Just come to me and I'll tell everyone at once.
Haru: *blushes* Hmm! - Fine...!

We took the car and went straight to the department!

Haru: - PEOPLE! We've got a lead on the gang! Yukihiro, look at this!

Yukihiro read the letter and was speechless. People started to get scared, because Daisuke could just be their first target...

Saeki: - B-b-but why are they after Daisuke?! What did he do wrong?! Daisuke: - Do you know the Kambe company?
Yukihiro: - But of course I do! It is the biggest multi-million company in existence! Why the question?
Daisuke: - Because... I'm the heir of the Company!
*Everyone looks shocked*
Yukihiro: - I already knew that!
Yukihiro: - Nobody had asked that, so I didn't say anything! But... What does this have to do with this gang?
Saeki: - This is more like a heavy gang!! Daisuke: - I assume they are after my family's company and inheritance. But I still don't understand what the robberies in the city have to do with all this...
Haru: - Well, it's a possibility! But what will we do now? Are we just going to stop the robberies?!
Saeki: - Actually I have an idea! It's good, but it can take a while to execute! Kamei: - As long as it works! Tell me, what's the plan?

Saeki's plan wasn't difficult, the only problem was that it could take days to execute. She and Kamei interviewed one of the robbers yesterday and discovered that they are not just robbers: They have a very heavy drug trafficking scheme. They said they have a meeting point every Friday at 11 pm sharp! They were also told that the meeting lasted no more than 2 minutes, so that no one would suspect anything. In those two minutes, they passed on the information about the drug, who the supplier is and the reason for the purchase. But after that she said he didn't say anything else! The plan would be for us to sneak up to that spot and arrest the guys who are there. She
said there would be 4 of them at least. I'm sure that me, Kamei, Daisuke and Yukihiro can handle it. Then we'd have to rip them out of their mouths where they're hiding, and move on from there. It was like she said: The plan needs time!

Haru: - Well at least we have something. So we'll have to wait until the end of the week?
Saeki: - Yes! For now, just try to stop the robberies and arrest as many people as possible!

We spent the whole week arresting thieves. Suzue helped us a lot when it came to finding their exact location, so it wasn't difficult. Every day a new report about our catches. When Friday finally arrived, I was exhausted, but ready to go! Daisuke picked us all up in his luxury car. We went to the meeting point where Saeki had informed us.
Suzue: - Stay there until I give the order to move forward. These guys seem to have heavy weapons.
Daisuke: - HEUSC, analyze the weapons of the individuals ahead.
HEUSC: - Understood! They each have AK-47 machine guns. They are recharged, unlocked, silenced and with high quality upgrades.
Haru: - Damn it! We only brought low caliber pistols and firepower! What now?
Daisuke: - Let's wait and see what happens. Looks like the weapons are inside the car.

So we wait. We saw them exchanging some drugs, but I couldn't identify what they were.
Suddenly Suzue gives us the signal:

Suzue: - Quick! Attack!

Money Isn't Everything 🌸💴 FIRST EDITION (Fanfic Fugou Keiji Eng. Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now