The television show "MASH" first aired its pilot episode simply titled "Pilot" on September 17th in 1972. The show ran for a total of eleven seasons and aired its series finale movie, "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen" on February 28th, 1983. The show covered the topic of a mobile surgical army hospital and its doctors, nurses, and other personnel for the entirety of the Korean War. The Korean War lasted from June 25th, 1950 to July 27th, 1953. Having an eleven-year long show set in only three years of history meant that a lot of the timelines and and even plot lines overlapped.
This show means so much to me personally. My grandpa watched it when it originally aired and showed it to my father when it began it's rerun in the 80's. My father would watch episodes of the show whenever he could and began to DVR them until he purchased the entire eleven seasons on DVD. My father showed the show to me and I fell in love with its characters and the way they used humor to combat a horrific "police action". Now, I am showing this show to my daughter and it seems that she will love it as much as the generations before her.
In this fiction, I will try to stick to the show's original episode list in order, aside from some very obvious seasonal mistakes (such as an episode about the week before Christmas in the middle of two spring/summer episodes). I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it.
Major O'Brien (A MASH 4077 fiction)
RomanceMajor Catherine O'Brien never imagined herself joining a MASH unit in the middle of the Korean War, but one day she finds herself apart of the 4077 and her life is changed.