Chapter 1

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"Sam where are you? you promised you would'nt be late remember?"

I got a text from Zee (one of my best friends). We were supposed to meet up at the mall for about 15 minutes ago and Im still at home eating. I need to eat too you know.

"Im on my way" I replied.

Haha she has no idea Im still at home.

Then I got a call from Zee.

"Yellow" I answered

"You think I dont know that you're still at home"

"Whaaaaattttttttt.... I told you Im on my way"

"Prove it"

Uhmm.. Uhmm how can I do this.

"Broom Broom see, Im in my car" I said trying to hold my laugh

"Come on Sam Im not stupid"

"Heh, I tried"
I hang up and went on my way

At the Mall....

"Oh hey you guys!" I said to my friends, with their boyfriends??
Whaaatttt??! Oh no not again.

"Finally!! I thought you'll never arrive." Zee said

Zee has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We are almost alike, she's crazy-i'm crazy, she loves food-I love food. She understands me, that's why we're bff's.

With Zee are my bff's as well, Jewl (the smart one, she is always right) Boyfriend: Jerry

Giselle & Mary (they're sisters and they're both crazy fangirls) Boyfriend of G: Chris
Boyfriend of M: Randy,

Claire & Steffi ( if all of us are bff's they're bfff's) Boyfriend of C: Jake Boyfriend of S: Dane

and Hazel (sister from another mother/best friend as well) Boyfriend: Alexander

Hah! You know what Im fine, Im finneee...

"Whatever!" I told Zee

So we went around the mall, we ate and we went to my fave place ever, The Arcade!!!
Being the only one with no boyfriend I was alone yet again.
After that, we all said our goodbyes and went home.

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