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Twas the year 1941...

An era of demolishing technology that rue days, weeks, and months.

An age of new technology that ruled the sea, land, and skies.

But, before all these, in the 18th century were ships like them but too frail.

Ships that were enriched with battle spirits, and the status of their morality.

They were everywhere in all seven seas! till they were met with new ships! Steamships

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They were everywhere in all seven seas! till they were met with new ships! Steamships.

Men loved them! A sign of new technology even the crew of frigates adored them.

Until days, weeks, months, years have passed by, frigates were no longer in use as they were deemed useless in the eyes of the people.

They've relied on their pre-dreadnought with powerful armor and cannons.

The people depended on the new-made ships and that was when the "Sirens" came. They used their ships to pit against them as time goes on.

The sirens also had their designs and it was strange. They were certain that no one wasn't steering it but being controlled. A mastermind they thought?

Age moved swiftly, humanity slowly gained back at their feet with superior technology for their ships and began changing the tides of the war.

But, the Sirens have also changed ships! They had the same designs and functionality as theirs. Confusion stroke the people and the scientists.

They did get to destroy a great number of them and secure one of their technology. They called them cubes! Wisdom cubes. After creating experiments with it along with ships.

They've created a new kind of variant! A shipgirl! It was weird to see but that doesn't matter does it? They were here to doom the sirens! until World War 2 came around the corner. Many shipgirls were created over the years to defend and offend.

Scientists have confirmed that they're indeed alive, conscious, emotional, and a person! Many inventions went along the way.

But, during all these. away from the mayhem, under the seas were shipwrecks of old ships.

They laid on the seabed with their menacing empty look, with a will to bloodshed.

A terrifying and glowing aura emerges from the frigates as they howl ambiance.

Ship of the lines and trade ships. They rave the waters with their rampage.

It was a sign of their shout, a shout of a warring message to the living.

Then, the waters rippled from the powerful tremble from below.

Sunken dauntless ships were slowly arising atop the waters.

One of their masts was showing and so were the sails.

Hulls fragmented from round shots from their foe.

Some ships were missing their masts and sails.

But, it didn't matter as they still move on.

With all of their will to live and strike.

Covered with seaweed and algae.

Mist covers them as they show.

The skies darkened with grim.

They live to fight yet again.

They live to fight yet again

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Good day! Crusader here. It appears I created another story and the reason why it's because too many ideas were just popping inside my head. There is also another reason why I created this was because I was trying to find a story like this but most of the time they have human forms. You see I'm not sure if there were cubes in the 18th century. Oh, the humanity when the work is all gonna crash down on me. I just finished my exam worksheets and didn't get to sleep and I am exhausted. I'm going to sleep, right, see ya later lads.

The Gallant Galleons yond ravag'd ships afloat! [ABANDONED YET MOVED]Where stories live. Discover now