Chapter 13: trials and tribulations

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It's one month later and it's the last game before thanksgiving break and Lauren is giving her pre game speech in the locker room.

Ok guys, this is the big one. We're facing off against the number one ranked team in California, last year they destroyed us 55 to 10. If we can at least keep up with them then people will have no choice but to take us seriously.

Zach stands up to help rally the team.

Coach is right, today is about proving that we belong. But how awesome would it be if we beat them?

The team cheers and put their hands together.

Let's go out there and hit them with everything we've got! ECU on three. One, two, three.


Adam and Matt are struggling to keep their composure in the commentary box because of how close the game is at the end of the fourth quarter.

This is so tense! Only a couple minutes left and the score is 27 to 23 in favor of USC. I can't believe ECU actually has a chance to still win the game Matt.

This shows how far the ECU team has come.

Very true. We have to give credit to coach Lauren Turner for that, thanks to her the team plays better every week.

That's why they haven't lost a game yet. Even if they end up losing today, the fact that they kept up with USC until the final minutes is remarkable in itself.

Absolutely, but the game isn't over yet! Looks like ECU's time out is over.

Zach and the ECU offense take to the field. Despite some heavy resistance they manage to make their way down the field successfully. Lauren and Zach pull out all the stops to score a touchdown but to no avail, resulting in a do or die fourth down at the 10 yard line. Zach and the others huddle up for the final play of the game.

Alright guys, this is it. Fourth down, all or nothing... we either win or lose. Regardless of what happens, I'm proud of how hard you played today.

Fred snaps the ball to Zach and he drops back. He scans the field but the USC defense leaves nobody open. As one of the pass rushers breaks through Zach has no choice but to run to his right and buy time for one of his receivers to get open. He points to Marcus to break his route to the right. The defender that broke through grabs Zach from the back just as he launches the ball towards Marcus. Even though he isn't open Zach trusts Marcus to beat the defender to the ball and make a play.

The entire stadium falls silent as the ball sours through the air. Marcus leaps up, manages to get both hands on the ball and holds on despite the defender's best effort to knock the ball loose. A struggle ensues between them until a second defender arrives that finally knocks Marcus to the ground just outside of the endzone... resulting in a turnover on downs and the end of the game as the clock runs out.

Zach closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to process his disappointment having come so close to winning.

Fred pats him on the shoulder.

We almost had them, that was one hell of a throw with that defender hanging onto you.

Thanks, good job protecting me as usual.

I do what I can. Don't take this too hard, one loss isn't the end of the world.

I know... I just hate losing.

We'll win the other games, nothing to worry about.

Zach can't help but chuckle at Fred's signature casual positivity.

Thanks for the pep talk Fred.

After getting dressed Zach notices that he's the last one in the locker room. He sits down an lets out a deep sigh just as Lauren comes by to lock up.

Why so down? You played a great game.

Sorry for losing.

Stop it, you played well and almost beat a team that's better than us. That's a positive if you ask me.

I know, but this loss might have a negative impact on my future draft evaluation.

It shouldn't, your abilities and leadership are without question to anybody who has a pair of eyes and knows how to use them.

Sorry, I guess the pressure got to me.

Do you mean your mothers condition?

How do you know about that?

Rebecca and I got to talking when we were at the shelter, she told me about it.

Well... so now you know.

Don't be angry with her, she only told me because she cares about you.

I know, talking about "emotional" things... I always find it embarrassing.

It doesn't have to be. It's ok to struggle with something, we all do.

I always find it difficult to talk about stuff like that. Back when my father had just passed away people would constantly feel sorry for me, it annoyed me beyond words. Thanks to football I was able to get away from all of that, on the field nobody feels sorry for you and I can let all of my frustrations out.

I get that, but promise me that you'll at least talk to Rebecca.

Zach gives her a short hug and gets up.

I promise that I'll try harder. Thanks for looking out for me, it almost feels like I have a second mom.

Then make sure to eat your veggies and that you go to bed on time.

I can't make any promises about that. See you after thanksgiving break coach.

After finally finishing their midterm exams everybody meets up at the mansion.

Lisa plops down on the couch in her usual theatrical fashion.

It's over... I'm finished.

Elle laughs.

That's a bit dramatic don't you think? Did you do that badly?

No, it was meant in more of a celebratory way. But thanks to a weeks' worth of studying, I wasn't able to muster the necessary enthusiasm to successfully convey that sentiment.

Zach and Elle look at each other with their eyebrows raised.

That was a very eloquent explanation.

Lisa looks at Zach with a smug expression on her face.

I actually pay attention during English class.

So do I!

Yeah, to miss Meyer's cleavage.

Very funny.

I can't blame you for that one though, it's a nice view.

Elle shakes her head in disbelief.

You two are something else, see you later.

Rebecca walks into the room shortly after Elle has left and sits down next to Zach.

Finally, a two week break. Do you guys have any plans for thanksgiving?

Not really, Lisa?

No, I assumed we would just stay here and spend it together. Why do you ask?

Since my parents live only two hours away, they asked me if I was coming home for thanksgiving. And I was hoping that Zach would join me...

You want me to meet your parents?

Of course, we're serious about each other and I thought this was the perfect opportunity.

I definitely want to go, but I feel a bit guilty about leaving Lisa alone.

Lisa shrugs nonchalantly.

Don't feel bad, I can keep myself busy. I'll just annoy Elle until you're back.

I guess that settles it then, we better go pack.

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