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     Feeling Giddy: I really REALLY wish someone would stop texting me demanding a bird scene cheat sheet (looking at you @ToriVega)

Mood: annoyed 😑

"Tori,my love if you ask me about this bird scene one more time I'm going to launch Rex off the roof of our school— i don't I care if I was planning on doing it anyway, I'll say your the reason I'm doing it" Gideon snapped into her phone as she walked into the Mara's penthouse apartment.

The blonde was honestly ready to lay down and go to sleep after spending all day around her friends and classmates going to different classes before ending her day with her ballroom dancing class and two separate play auditions, the last thing the tired girl needed was to deal with Tori Vega.

"Come on Gideon, please just give me a teeny tiny hint" Tori's voiced pleaded through the blonde's speaker making the actress roll her eyes in annoyance

"Fine here's your hint; do the bird scene and try not to fail, goodbye now" Gideon snapped ending the call before the other girl could protest

'Finally peace and quiet' Gideon sighed falling back onto the couch ready to relax and nap before doing her endless amounts of homework

But alas those born for greatness were destined for chaos of all kinds.

"Oh good your home!" Lorelei cheered joyfully plopping down next to her exhausted daughter, "I need your help"

"One second of peace is all I ask!" The youngest Mara girl whined turning to face her mother

"And you'll get it after you help your wonderful and lovely mother, whom you love greatly" Lorelei cooed pinching the teen's cheek

"Not really feeling the love part right now" Gideon glared gently slapping the hand off her cheek

Lorelei merely rolled her eyes before standing up to tug her grumbling offspring up along with her "come on my blonde spawn, artistic expression waits for no one"

"Mom, I am dying everything is heavy and aches and I want to sleep forever!" Gideon whined with a pout as she tried to resist her mother's pull

"That's great honey, channel all of that into brutally popping some balloons full of paint!" Lorelei encouraged tugging the teen off the couch and towards her at home art studio


Gideon, knew today's class with Sikowitz was bound to be an exciting one— not that any class with the barefoot teacher was boring, but it seemed after three grueling days of prep Tori was finally ready to try out the 'ominous' bird scene,

And what better way to start such a monumental occasion then with a classic Sikowitz approved drive by acting scene.

"Ready, drive- by acting exercise you're all angry Englishmen, Go!" The barefoot man clapped ordering his underlings to put on their best angry British accents for the sake of personal amusement

"Uh, I insist you tell me who sat on me crumpet!" Robbie yelled out pulling a moderately disgusted expression with a barely believe accent

Clearing her throat Jade took her turn her accent coming out far better then Robbie's "my grand mummy went to the loo while I snogged the prime minister"

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